Page 20 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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PROGRAMME 3. Biological, Behavioural and Structural Determinants in the Contraction and Spread of Communicable Diseases in Vulnerable Populations (DA PET
Coordinator: Jordi Casabona Barbara
In 2016, the DAPET programme consolidated its transversal and collaborative work between CIBERESP groups. The currently active Immigration and Health Sub-Programme (SIS) was consolidated and reached its greatest scientific production in the framework of the DAPET Programme.
Most relevant results of the SIS
Research projects:
• Completion of the coordinated FIS Project (P13/01962) “Multiple evidence on health, healthcare, immigration and vulnerable populations (MEISI Project)” consisting of three sub-projects (MEISI I, IP: ML. Vázquez; MEISI II, IP: J Casabona; MEISI III, IP: JP Millet).
• Performance of coordinated FIS Project (PI14/01146). This consists of two sub-projects: Work, immigration and health on a cohort of immigrant population in Spain (Principal Investigator E. Ronda); Relationship between teenagers’ psychosocial environment and their mental health (R.E.P.A.S.A.M.E.) (Principal Investigator: F. Collazos).
• Performance of the Project- Platform for Longitudinal Studies on Immigrant Families (PELFI):
- Carrying out the 1st /2nd follow-up of the sub-cohorts in Badalona, Barcelona and Alicante.
- 6 theses under way.
- Participation in the Work Package on “Access of the migrant population to HIV diagnosis and care” as part of the EURO-EDAT Project: The European HIV Early Diagnosis and Access to Treatment (DG SANCO 2014-2017) (Principal Investigator: J Casabona).
Scientific production: 1 report (Available on: fase_i_diagn%C3%B2stic-de-situacio_vf.pdf); ); 8 papers at 2 international congresses -(9th European Public Health Conference; 6th European Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health); 6 papers/1 spontaneous table at a national congress (XXXIV Reunion Científica de la SEE).
Political incidence : Publication of the “Policy Report - Informing Policies and Programs to Support Immigrant Health in Spanish”.
Press releases: 1 press release on “Policy Report - Informing Policies and Programs to Support- Immigrant Health in Spanish” (24/11/2016).
Participation in international initiatives:
• Session entitled Project Development Event on Migration and Social Inclusion with the aim of discussing proposals for research and ideas to set up a consortium for new projects (23/5/2016).
• Jordi Casabona took part in the Conference entitled “Migration and Health Actions financed by the EU Health Programme” (18/5/2016).

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