Page 19 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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PROGRAMME 2. Communicable Disease
Prevention, Surveillance and Control (PRE-
Coordinator: Joan Artur Cayla Buqueras
In 2016 Programme 2 (PREVICET) changed the whooping cough sub-programme for that of influenza, after achieving its intended objectives, and got under way the sub-programme of infections by vectors / climate change. It incorporated two new groups (Dr Jordi Figuerola Borrás and Dr María Carmen Muñoz-Almagro).
In 2016 39 articles were published in indexed journals, signed by researchers from at least two different groups of PREVICET or 2 different CIBERs: 6 articles on factors associated with the 2009-2010 influenza pandemic, 5 on whooping cough, 5 on TB, 3 on outbreaks of norovirus, 3 on HIV, 2 on outbreaks of hepatitis A, 2 on invasive pneumococcal disease in children, 3 on Zika, 1 on legionellosis, 3 on the effectiveness of the anti-influenza vaccine, 3 on influenza, 2 on rabies and one on measles in vaccinated persons.
The projects entitled “Effectiveness of the vaccine against whooping cough in women in their third month of pregnancy to prevent whooping cough: a case and control study in Catalonia and Navarre” (FIS- PI15/01348), and “Epidemiological and virological analysis of viral agents included in triple viral vaccine” (PI15CIII/00023) were started.
Participation in the European projects “Setting up a sentinel system to assess the burden of whooping cough in EU/EEA” and “Assessing the impact of conjugate vaccines on pneumococcal disease in Europe” financed by the ECDC, was renewed.
Work was done on the dissemination of the results obtained in the project “Effectiveness of anti- influenza vaccine and 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide in persons of 65 years of age and older” (FIS-PI12/02079). Financing was obtained for the project “Factors associated with outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis by norovirus in closed and semi-closed institutions” (FIS-PI16/02005).
The project “Implementation of a sustainable strategy for evaluation of a general public health intervention: anti-influenza vaccination in Spain” (AES2013/02123) has displayed a drop in the effectiveness of anti-influenza vaccine (EVA) against virus A(H3N2). In European project I-MOVE a contribution was made to the characterisation of the variation in EAV over time from vaccination and to the study of different aspects of vaccine protection. The optimisation of systems for supervising influenza was continued, as an essential framework in the research on impact and EAV.
We participated in FIS A15CIII/00020 “Research into enterovirus and parechovirus infections causing serious neurological and systemic pathologies in the child population”, and MINECO SAF2013-47194-P “Search for and characterisation of viruses potentially emerging in Iberian bats”.
A thesis with international mention was read on the “Epidemiology of whooping cough based on its study in different levels of healthcare” co-directed by 2 researchers from different groups in the Programme.
New sub-programme on vector-borne/climate change infections
Work has started on imported cases of Zika and on environmental factors of influence on the distribution of mosquitos in urban and rural zones. All the groups in the programme take part in the development of spatial-temporal models for studying the risk of acquiring and developing arbovirosis.
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