Page 25 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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PROGRAMME 7. Clinical Epidemiology
Coordinator: José Ignacio Pijoán Zubizarreta
Study of clinical healthcare procedure and of the results observed (MAPAC)
A joint presentation article from the Dianasalud Platform (, containing over 3500 recommendations on the proper use of interventions, diagnostic tests, screening tools, etc. produced by different international initiatives and by MAPAC work itself (DianaHealth. com, an On-Line Database Containing Appraisals of the Clinical Value and Appropriateness of Healthcare Interventions: Database Development and Retrospective Analysis. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0147943. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0147943).
Creation of the MAPAC Commission of the Hospital Universitario Vall D´Hebron, led by a researcher from Group 8. This raises the possibilities of undertaking MAPAC projects and of carrying out translation and transfer activities in coordination with other MAPAC Commissions active at public healthcare centres.
Start of the coordinated project (over 20 hospitals) to evaluate different professionals’ degree of awareness of, and agreement with, recommendations contained in Dianasalud digital repository.
Study of the determinants of efficiency and safety of healthcare interventions
Publication in a high-impact journal of a piece of work (cooperation agreement with RIETE international group) assessing the effectiveness of inferior vena cava filters in patients with thromboembolic disease recurrence during anticoagulant treatment. The work has been carried out by researchers from two groups of the Programme (Outcomes Associated With Inferior Vena Cava Filters Among Patients With Thromboembolic Recurrence During Anticoagulant Therapy. JACC Cardiovascular Interventions 2016;23(9):2440-8).
As part of the network known as European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing: Prescription and adherence to treatment. European Commission, completion of the study entitled ‘Observational study
of adherence to angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) in patients in a community pharmacy’, where the parameters influencing the appropriateness of treatment given to patients receiving antihypertensive treatment were investigated and the results were published (Impact of changes in pill appearance in the adherence to Angiotensin Receptor Blockers and in blood pressure levels: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open in press).
Study of the validity and usefulness of diagnostic tests
Presentations at the Preventing Overdiagnosis World Congress 2016 on the appropriateness of the use of PSA and rationalisation in the demand for the serum protein electrophoresis test.
Scientific production of projects: “Design of a procedure for communicating the radiological risk/benefit prioritising the participation of doctor and patient’ in which there were interviews of professionals and general public, apart from assessing the appropriateness of the application at two hospitals. “Predictive value of pulmonary nodules in chest radiology and its determinants”. Both led to publications in first quartile journals (Evaluation of clinicians’ knowledge and practices regarding medical radiological exposure: findings from a mixed-methods investigation (survey and qualitative study). BMJ Open 2016;6:e012361) (Updated effective doses in radiology. J Radiol Prot 2016;36:975-990).
Methodology, clinical records and scientific dissemination
Completion of the DRECE VI study, incorporating phenotype-genotype associations and genetic markers in cardiovascular risk equations.
Methodological article (Features of the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. A good practice The Stata Journal. Volume 16 Number 1: pp. 185-196) on good practice in the description of diagnostic and prognostic information.
Dr. Pablo Alonso Coello, (Group 43) has been included in the list of the most cited scientists in the world for 2016 published by Clarivate Analytics.
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