Page 23 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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PROGRAMME 5. Epidemiology and preven-
tion in connection with environmental and
occupational health
Coordinator: Adonina Tardón García
In 2016, we should highlight the scientific work done in the INMA Project Sub-programme, which has
obtained excellent results.
INMA Project
This year we have published 52 scientific articles (38 published plus 14 in the press) of a total number of 355, 50% in journals of the first decile (D1) and 77% in first quartile journals (Q1), and we have 91 proposals for joint articles being developed.
We have agreed on and drawn up the protocols, the operating procedures and questionnaires for the 11-13 years visit of the INMA Project, and we have carried out follow-up visits at INMA-Minorca (18 years), INMA- Valencia (11-12 years), INMA-Sabadell (11-12 years), INMA-Asturias (9.5-10.5 years) and INMA-Gipuzkoa (8 years).
In parallel we have continued to direct doctoral theses (3 have been defended) and carry out measures for dissemination of our results among both the general public and to bodies or public institutions in charge of implementing healthcare policies.
As part of the INMA Project, we have 25 active research projects, plus 10 new competitive projects awarded for 2016: ELFES-Étude Longitudinale à radioFréquences Et problèmes du Sommeil chez les enfants (ANSES); Exposure to non-persistent pesticides and reproductive function in male adolescents, a new follow-up of the INMA-Granada cohort (MS/ISCIII); OMEGA BRAIN-Fatty acids, atmospheric pollution and neuropsychological development (FIS/ISCIII); Windows of prenatal and postnatal vulnerability in neurodevelopment associated with air particle contamination (FIS/ISCIII); ENDOLUNG-Endocrine disruptors and childhood lung function and asthma (MS/ISCIII); LIFECYCLE-Early-life stressors and LifeCycle health - Horizon 2020 (European Commission); EHMBI-European Human Biomonitoring Initiative - Horizon 2020 (European Commission); ECHOCAT-Urban environment and childhood obesity in Catalonia (Fundació la Marató de TV3); Dietary patterns in weight gain and obesity incidence in children at the ages of 4 and 7 years in a birth cohort in Spain (Fundació la Marató de TV3); Prenatal exposure to inorganic arsenic and effects on foetal and neuropsychological development in children participating in the INMA cohort (FIS/ISCIII).
We are also taking part in 14 European projects (MeDALL, ESCAPE, CHICOS, DENAMIC,
CONTAMED, EGG/EAGLE, BREATHE, EARNEST, EUCCONET, HiWATE, HITEA, HELIX, GERONIMO, EUTHYROID), and through the INMA External Cooperation policy we have got 4 new cooperation schemes under way with foreign institutions.
The 8 work groups: Biomarkers, Air contamination, Neuro development, Nutrition, Obesity and Postnatal growth, Protocols for coming follow-up visits, CEM Radiations and Pubertal development and hormonal disorders, which have been carrying out their tasks on planning and scientific debate in 2016.
At the 13th INMA Scientific Sessions 2016 held in Sabadell (Barcelona) 92 persons were enrolled. This was attended by Dr. Tony Fletcher, who gave a talk on “Perfluorinated compounds, birth outcomes and the exposome - how reliable is serum concentration for assessing exposure” and this was a perfect venue for having meetings of the 8 work groups in the project and a meeting of the project’s Management Committee. Two new cohorts in Murcia and Granada were presented at this encounter.
On the web page ( we uploaded a news item each month in order to disclose the content of the scientific articles which we publish in specialised journals.
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