Page 24 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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PROGRAMME 6. Health Service Evaluation
Coordinator: Jordi Alonso Caballero
CONTINUOUS COHORT OF WORKING LIVES: the EBiSa project (FIS PI14/00057), after reconstructing the cohort of 1,022,779 affiliates from 2004 to 2013, has described the employment lives using Latent Class Growth Modeling; and the project Employment over the life course as a determinant of health: evidence from the Spanish WORKing life Social Security (WORKss) cohort study based on the Continuous Working Life Sample, has shown that flexible employment lives (a large number of temporary contracts), if these are secure (continuity in the contracts, periods of unemployment with cover) undergo a risk of death similar to those who have had stable working lives (few and permanent contracts).
BIBLIOPRO: 2300 new users were registered (9820 accumulated users). Roughly 400 new PROs (Patient- Reported Outcomes) questionnaires were identified, which will be added to the 1340 instruments. Members of the scientific committee performed the webinar “Development and Use of the EMPRO: a tool for standardised evaluation of PRO measures PRO” in English and in Spanish with the International Society of Quality of Life (ISOQOL). A FIS research project was carried out on “Application of PRO instruments in Spain”.
Researchers of the Jordi Alonso (IMIM) group completed an extensive systematic review on the risk factors of suicidal conduct in adolescents and young adults. The Universal Study (Universidad y Salud Mental) has started its 3rd year of follow-up of over 2000 Spanish university students. Researchers from this group are taking part as coordinators in Spain of the first international study financed by Movember Foundation, “Prostate Cancer Outcomes- Compare and Reduce Variation” (PCO-CRV), in which over 5000 patients from eleven countries will be taking part over 3 years [].
Researchers from Fernando García Benavides’s group (CiSAL-UPF), along with the Centro Nacional de Salud Ocupacional y Protección del Ambiente para la Salud (CENSOPAS), the Sociedad Peruana de Salud Ocupacional (SOPESAR) and the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, organised the III Latin-American Encounter on Surveys of Employment Conditions and Health in Lima (Peru) on 17- 18/3/2016.
The aim of the encounter was to draw up the User Manual of the Basic Questionnaire on Working conditions, Employment and Health in Latin America and the Caribbean (CTESLAC) and to establish the indicators for supervision of occupational health in Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe, with
a proposal for a standard questionnaire for the whole of Latin America and the Caribbean having been published (Cad Saude Publica. 2016;32(9):e00210715).
Researchers from Sonia Abilleira’s group (AQuAS) are taking part in 3 projects financed by the European Commission (EUnetHTA Joint Action 3, ACT at scale and Joint Action Dementia 2) and in a further 14 evaluation projects in the framework of the Red Española de Agencias de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias.
They have contributed to drawing up a Manual for methodological quality and good practice in healthcare evaluations and have completed 6 technical reports and guides (including the report on the Proposal for indicators for the evaluation of care for chronicity at the National Health System). The group has published 11 articles/editorials in national journals and 2 international articles (the most relevant as regards impact in the journal Stroke).

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