Page 35 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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measuring Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL ) and Patient Reported Outcomes Outcomes (PROM). Development of improvement strategies through tools / interventions to support clinical practice and health management to promote and ensure equity in access to and utilization of health services. Clinical effectiveness: designing strategies for monitoring quality in the provision of healthcare services by means of studies on medical practice variations, effectiveness, safety and efficiency of clinical practice.
Ex-post assessment of extramural research (projects, groups, centres, programs or plans), ie, research return to society by:
The impact or return (primary, secondary and final) of the research carried out in a given area. Investment and outcomes (knowledge, publications, patent, applications, training of human resources, benefits for clinical practice and for health) of research in health sciences.
Most relevant scientific articles
• Rajmil L., Bel J., Clofent R., Cabezas C., Castell C., Espallargues M. Clinical interventions in overweight and obesity: A systematic literature review 2009-2014. An Pediatr (Barc). 2016; pii: S1695- 4033(16)30150-3.
• Pons J.M.V. The expert bias. Med Clin (Barc). 2016; 147:205–6.
• Pérez de la Ossa N., Abilleira S., Dorado L., Urra X., Ribo M., Cardona P. et al. Access to Endovascular Treatment in Remote Areas: Analysis of the Reperfusion Treatment Registry of Catalonia. Stroke. 2016; 47(5):1381-4.
• Espallargues M, Serra-Sutton V, Solans-Domènech M, Torrente E, Moharra M, Benítez D et al. Development of a Conceptual Framework for the Assessment of Chronic Care in the Spanish National Health System. Rev Esp Salud Pública. 2016;90:e1-e16.
During 2016, the AQuAS research group linked to CIBERESP highlights the start of 3 projects funded
by the European Commission (EUnetHTA Joint Action 3, ACT at Scale and Joint Action Dementia 2) in collaboration with public bodies at European level, as well as 14 evaluation projects in the framework of the Spanish Network of Health Technology Assessment Agencies. It is worth mentioning the collaboration in a Manual of methodological quality and good practices in health technology assessment. The group
has also continued on transfer products such as the Catalan Arthroplasty Registry, the Shared Decisions project, the Observatory of Results of Research and Integrated Care Assessment. Within the Strategic Plan for cerebrovascular diseases, the implementation of the Registry of reperfusion treatments in patients
with stroke and the Registry of Ictus Codes of Catalonia have continued. AQuAS has participated in the organization of 5 relevant events such as the Preventing Overdiagnosis International Conference linked to the ESSENTIAL project, the International Conference on Integrated Care, the Ibero-American Congress of Qualitative Health Research, the International Network for Research on Inequalities in Child Health and The International School on Research Impact Assessment, where researchers from the group have participated as speakers. In addition, these products have been made visible through AQuAS Blog, with more than 5,000 accesses to posts written by researchers of the CIBERESP group. Six technical reports and guidelines have been finalized (including the report on Proposed indicators for the evaluation of care for chronicity within the Spanish National Health System and the update of the Clinical Practice Guidelines Methodology Manual). Finally, 11 articles and editorials have been published in national journals and 2 international articles (the most relevant in terms of impact in Stroke journal).
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