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care needs and are a more solid basis for decision-making and for developing and evaluating health
• Evaluation of health services efficiency and effectiveness. Application of Health-Related Quality
of Life (HRQL) measuring instruments as outcomes in the evaluation of the efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency of medical procedures or health programs, specially psychometric or econometric tools to measure HRQL, respectively) for the economic evaluation of health services. Research findings are relevant for clinicians’ and regulators’ s decision-making and, therefore, they should contribute to quality improvement and efficiency of the national health system.
Most relevant scientific articles
• Auerbach RP, Alonso J, Axinn WG, Cuijpers P, Ebert DD, Green JG, et al.. Mental disorders among college students in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. Psychol Med 2016; 46(14):2955-2970.
• Monleon S, Ferrer M, Tejero M, Pont A, Piqueras M, Belmonte R*. Shoulder strength changes one year after axillary limph node dissection or sentinel lymph node biopsy in breast cancer patients. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2016; 97(6):953-963.
• Pavasini R*, Guaralnik J, Brown JC, Mauro DB, Cesari M, Landi F, et al. Short Physical Performance Battery and all-cause Mortality: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. BMC Med 2016; 14(1):215-223.
• Scott KM*, Lim C, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J, Bruffaerts R, Caldas-de-Almeida JM, et al.. Association of Mental Disorders with Subsequent Chronic Physical Conditions: World Mental Health Surveys from 17 countries. JAMA Psychiatry 2016; 73(2):150-158.
• Vilagut G, Forero CG*, Barbaglia G, Alonso J*. Screening for Depression in the General Population with the Center.
During 2016 the Group published 19 articles: 18 international ones (61% in their 1st quartile). Dr. J Alonso has been included in the exclusive list of the world’s most highly cited researchers in the 2004-2014 period (2016-HighlyCitedResearchers). Three predoctoral contracts were achieved: Rio Hortega-MJ.Blasco(FIS- CM14/00125;2015-2016), Rio Hortega-M.Martí (FIS-CM15/00167;2016-2017), FPU- L. Ballester (FPU15/05728).
Patient-Reported Outcomes (PRO) are increasingly relevant in research and clinical practice. Our group leads and participates in several initiatives and projects aiming to incorporate the patient’s perspective into all aspects. Among them, the PRO Information System (PROMIS), through Mental Health instruments validation studies (ISCIII-FIS-I13/00506FEDER.PI:G.Vilagut) and trough presence in the PHO’s board of directors; the EuroQol questionnaire, through the coordinated project named SPANIEQ 5D, which evaluates the new Spanish versions (ISCIII-FIS-PI12/00772FEDER-IP/Coordinator: M.Ferrer); and BiblioPRO, the virtual library of PRO instruments in Spanish, lead together with other researchers from CIBER and Retics, with a high transfer activity.
Mental Health burden. The WHO-World Mental Health Surveys consortium, whose regional coordinator for Europe is Dr. J Alonso, continues producing evidence based on population data from 29 countries throughout the world. The group is currently developing studies on university population, such as
the project UNIVERSAL-Suicidal Ideation and Behaviour in Spanish University Students (ISCIII-FIS- PI13/00343FEDER and PNSD/Exp.2015/015;PI:J.Alonso,2016-18).
Observational studies on Efectivity. They allow to reflect real usage patterns (duration, adherence),
in samples with a lower selection and during longer follow-ups. The European study ASTROLAB (CE- HEALTH-F5-2011-282593.PI:M. Ferrer) has allowed to confirm the safety of long-lasting Beta agonists with inhaled corticoids, in adult patients with asthma. The same hypotheses are being contrasted in a cohort of children with asthma which is being created in Spain (ISCIII-FIS-PI15/00449;2016-18;PI:M.Ferrer).
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