Page 39 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• López-Espinosa M.-J., Murcia M., Íniguez C., Vizcaino E., Costa O., Fernández-Somoano A. et al. Organochlorine compounds and ultrasound measurements of fetal growth in the INMA cohort (Spain). Environmental Health Perspectives. 2016;124(1):157-163.
• Íniguez C., Esplugues A., Sunyer J., Basterrechea M., Fernández-Somoano A., Costa O. et al. Prenatal exposure to NO2 and ultrasound measures of fetal growth in the Spanish INMA cohort. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2016;124(2):235-242.
• Llop S, Ballester F, Murcia M, Forns J, Tardón A, Andiarena A et al. Prenatal exposure to mercury and neuropsychological development in young children: the role of fish consumption. International journal of epidemiology. 2016;.
• Costa O, López-Espinosa MJ, Vizcaino E, Murcia M, Íñiguez C, Navarrete-Muñoz EM et al. Dietary and Household Sources of Prenatal Exposure to Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in the INMA Birth Cohort (Spain). Environmental science & technology. 2016;.
• Sáez C, Zurriaga O, Pérez-Panadés J, Melchor I, Robles M, García-Gómez JM. Applying probabilistic temporal and multisite data quality control methods to a public health mortality registry in Spain: a systematic approach to quality control of repositories.Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2016.
From the line of Environment and Children’s Health the visit of 10-11 years of the INMA project in Valencia has been completed. The INMA project has continued to participate in several European research
projects: DENAMIC, CHICOS, GERONIMO, REMBRANDT, HELIX, ESCAPE and GEN-Hg. A collaboration with the University of Texas has begun to study the relationship between maternal particle exposure during pregnancy and neurological development in childhood. In the line of climate and health, a collaboration with the School of Public Health of London has been initiated to study the association between changes (moderate and extreme) in environmental temperature and mortality from respiratory and circulatory causes in Spain, for which daily data collected in the 51 most populous Spanish provincial capitals will
be used in the period 1990-2010. In the line of Inequalities in Health, coordinated from the Research Area
of the same name of FISABIO, the approval and implementation of the MEDEA3 project, financed by the ISCIII, is outstanding. The coordination of this third phase of the MEDEA project will be assumed by the Area of Inequalities of FISABIO. Among research projects in the line of Rare Diseases, the H2020 EUROLinkCAT project was awarded with the aim of establishing a European network of standardized data with information on children with congenital anomalies born in the period 1995-2014. From the line of research in epidemic outbreaks an intense activity, especially in the investigation of outbreaks of Salmonella, pertussis, influenza and rotavirus has been developed. Finally, from the line of clinical epidemiology, progress has been made in the development of a European multicenter research project on eosinophilic esophagitis.
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