Page 47 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Dadvand P., Bartoll X., Basagana X., Dalmau-Bueno A., Martínez D., Ambros A. et al. Green spaces and General Health: Roles of mental health status, social support, and physical activity. Environment International. 2016;91:161-167.
• Vives-Cases C., Goicolea I., Hernández A., Sanz-Barber B., Gill A.K., Baldry A.C. et al. Expert opinions on improving femicide data collection across Europe: A concept mapping study. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(2).
• Macias F., Malmusi D., Olabarria M., Borrell C. Cardiometabolic risk inequalities in Colombia. International Journal of Cardiology. 2016;202:156-158.
• Artazcoz L., Cortes I., Benavides F.G., Escriba-Aguir V., Bartoll X., Vargas H. et al. Long working hours and health in Europe: Gender and welfare state differences in a context of economic crisis. Health and Place. 2016;40:161-168.
• Abajo M., Rodríguez-Sanz M., Malmusi D., Salvador M., Borrell C. Gender and socio-economic inequalities in health and living conditions among co-resident informal caregivers: A nationwide survey in Spain. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2016.
During 2016 the group has maintained its contributions nationally and internationally. The Barcelona subgroup has continued to work on existing European projects such as Eurohealthy. On the other hand, we have started a new project, the PULSE project of which we lead a work package. In addition, funding has been obtained from a coordinated project of the Carlos III Health Institute, the MEDEA 3 project. We are still working on the Observatory of Inequalities in Health, which has a new coordinator. The energy poverty subprogram continues to advance in its studies. The principal investigator has obtained a medal from the Generalitat de Catalunya (Josep Trueta Medal).
Regarding the subgroup of Alicante, one of the researchers was elected president of the SEE, and
another obtained the direction of Gaceta Sanitaria. It was conducted the National Survey of Health to Gypsy Population 2014, available in the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality. Has maintained collaboration with the doctorate and master program with more internationalization, receiving students from Brazil and the Netherlands and started a line of collaboration with the University of Miami financed by the NIH, work continues on the European project CANCON (cancer control).
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