Page 55 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Casado I., Domínguez A., Toledo D., Chamorro J., Force L., Soldevila N. et al. Effect of influenza vaccination on the prognosis of hospitalized influenza patients. Expert Review of Vaccines. 2016;1-8.
• Castilla J., Navascues A., Fernández-Alonso M., Reina G., Pozo F., Casado I. et al. Effectiveness of subunit influenza vaccination in the 2014-2015 season and residual effect of split vaccination in previous seasons. Vaccine. 2016;34(11):1350-1357.
• Guevara M., Barricarte A., Torroba L., Herranz M., Gil-Setas A., Gil F. et al. Direct, indirect and total effects of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccination on invasive pneumococcal disease in children in Navarra, Spain, 2001 to 2014: Cohort and case–control study. Eurosurveillance. 2016;21(14).
• Castilla J., Navascues A., Fernández-Alonso M., Reina G., Albéniz E., Pozo F. et al. Effects of previous episodes of influenza and vaccination in preventing laboratory-confirmed influenza in Navarre, Spain, 2013/14 season. Eurosurveillance. 2016;21(22):1-10.
• Godoy P., García-Cenoz M., Toledo D., Carmona G., Cayla J.A., Alseda M. et al. Factors influencing the spread of pertussis in households: A prospective study, catalonia and navarre, Spain, 2012 to 2013. Eurosurveillance. 2016;21(45):24-33.
During 2016 we have contributed notably to the CIBERESP activity. We have improved in the four projects funded by FIS and three projects with European funds.
In chronic diseases, we have advanced in the projects on the effects of bisfenol in the incidence of cancer, and on the effect of inflammation in the incidence of diabetes and Crohn disease (Inflames), both projects are based on the EPIC cohort. We have received started a new FIS project to evaluate the effect of chrono- diet on the incidence of cancer in the same EPIC cohort study.
In infectious and vaccine, preventable diseases we continue working on the I-MOVE-plus study, which
is funded by the Horizon 2020 program. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of pneumococcal and influenza vaccines on elderly people. This study adds to a previous FIS project, which evaluates the influenza vaccine effectiveness against laboratory confirmed influenza since 2009. We also participated in multicenter studies funded by the ECDC, which aim to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of pneumococcal vaccine (SpIDNet), influenza vaccine (I-move) and Pertussis vaccine (Pertinent). We have demonstrated high indirect effect of conjugate pneumococcal vaccination in children and its important impact on unvaccinated population. We have also demonstrated high impact of the influenza vaccine
in preventing deaths, and we have detected interferences between influenza vaccines in the current and previous seasons.
In 2016 we have advanced in the project funded by the National Strategic Plan of Hepatitis C with the aim of evaluating the effect on preventive and therapeutic interventions against this infection.
A researcher of our team defended has directed a PhD thesis which have received the highest qualifications.
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