Page 59 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Mari-Dell’Olmo M., Gotsens M., Palencia L., Rodríguez-Sanz M., Martínez-Beneito M.A., Ballesta M. et al. Trends in socioeconomic inequalities in mortality in small areas of 33 Spanish cities. BMC Public Health. 2016;16(1).
• Daponte Codina A., Mateo Rodríguez I., Vasquez-Vera H. Evictions and health, a response from the public health in Spain is needed. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2016;30(4):239-241.
• Cabrera-Leon A., Daponte Codina A., Mateo I., Arroyo-Borrell E., Bartoll X., Bravo M.J. et al. Contextual indicators to assess social determinants of health and the Spanish economic recession. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2016.
• Daponte-Codina A., Bolívar-Munoz J., Sanchez-Cantalejo E., Mateo-Rodríguez I., Babio G., Romo- Avilés N. et al. Factors associated with prehospital delay in men and women with acute coronary syndrome. Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra. 2016;39(1):47-58.
• Nuño-Solinís R, Herrera Molina E, Librada Flores S, Orueta Mendía JF, Cabrera-León A. [Care costs and activity in the last three months of life of cancer patients who died in the Basque Country (Spain)]. Gaceta sanitaria. 2016.
In health and environment, we are developing the project “The impact of urban environments on health in Andalusia”, financed by the Andalusian Ministry of Health, and the coordinated FIS project “Energy poverty and health in Spain before and during the economic crisis”.
In health inequalities, the FIS project “Socioeconomic and environmental inequalities in the geographical distribution of mortality in Andalusia (MEDEA3)” has been achieved, part of a coordinated project. In the GenCAD (Gender specific mechanisms in coronary artery disease in Europe) project, a general population survey was completed in 6 European countries on the extent of knowledge on gender inequalities in coronary artery diseases, and a questionnaire was developed for health professionals. Finally, we keep working on the completion of an information system and its corresponding database, based on indicators of social, economic and environmental context of the Spanish Autonomous Communities, within the subprogram of CIBERESP “crisis and health”,
In the line of patients and health services, the MINECO project “efraile” has been obtained, - ehealth
and Frailty, a longer Life Expectancy: Design of a model of eHealth care and self-management for multi- morbidity patients based on the support of fragility, and impact measurement of Wearables and Domotic technologies. In addition, it participates in the European Project Sparks “rethinking innovation together”.
In terms of transfer activities, the Andalusian Health and Environment Observatory (OSMAN) has developed several population guides, and participated in various local initiatives. In addition, the group has developed the report: the future of hospitals. In addition, more than 20 workshops have been organized, including a Clinical Day, Health and Emotions, and the Patient School Congress.
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