Page 57 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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• Community health workers (CHW) for communicable diseases control: with the immigration increase we have incorporated CHW that aid in the prevention and control of these diseases. They act as mediators and translators.
• Incidence studies of mumps, whooping cough and STIs, as well as the influence of the crisis on some communicable diseases such as TB and hepatitis. Study of factors influencing the transmission of pertussis in homes as well as the effectiveness of immunization and chemoprophylaxis.
• Outbreaks: investigation of the causes and implementation of control measures as in the case of different outbreaks by norovirus (Arinsal waters).
Most relevant scientific articles
• Godoy P., Broner S., Manzanares-Laya S., Martínez A., Parrón I., Planas C. et al. Outbreaks of hepatitis A associated with immigrants travelling to visit friends and relatives. Journal of Infection. 2016;72(1):112-115.
• Ospina J.E., Orcau A., Millet J.-P., Ros M., Gil S., Cayla J.A. Epidemiology of tuberculosis in immigrants in a large city with large-scale immigration (1991-2013). PLoS ONE. 2016;11(10).
• Rodrigo T., Casals M., Caminero J.A., García-García J.M., Jiménez-Fuentes M.A., Medina J.F. et al. Factors associated with fatality during the intensive phase of anti-tuberculosis treatment. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(8).
• Solano R., Masa-Calles J., Garib Z., Grullón P., Santiago S.L., Brache A. et al. Epidemiology of pertussis in two Ibero-American countries with different vaccination policies: Lessons derived from different surveillance systems. BMC Public Health. 2016;16(1).
• Godoy P., García-Cenoz M., Toledo D., Carmona G., Cayla J.A., Alseda M. et al. Factors influencing the spread of pertussis in households: A prospective study, catalonia and navarre, Spain, 2012 to 2013. Eurosurveillance. 2016;21(45):24-33.
• The study of STIs and HIV are a very important part of the research group. Recently the group has been involved in the development of new technologies such as the creation of profiles in the Apps of social- sexual contacts to offer the STI and HIV tests and the creation of an App to promote sexual health. Contact tracing also is an important part of the surveillance of these diseases and in the rest of the communicable diseases.
• The TB program, with its 30 years of existence, has been able to reduce the incidence of TB to below 20/100000. Screening and treatment of latent infection (LTBI) will be a priority line to reduce the number of future cases of TB.
• The importance of diabetes as a risk factor for developing TB will be explored by our group through the approval of an FIS project that will begin to develop this year.
• Clinical trials with CDC and SSI will allow to shorten TB and LTBI treatments, as well as improve the diagnostic of LTBI with a more specific skin test, especially in countries with high TB burden and low economic resources.
• The surveillance and control of vaccine-preventable diseases continues, with re-emergent diseases such as mumps, pertussis and measles.
• The study of epidemic outbreaks will continue to be one of the group’s top priority, with important examples such as the norovirus outbreak transmitted by bottled water or enterovirus that caused severe neurological clinical manifestations.
• The FIS project about the influence of the economic crisis on disease continues in spite of significant restrictions on funding. TB, pertussis and viral hepatitis have also been studied.
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