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Most relevant scientific articles
• Lewis-Mikhael A.-M., Bueno-Cavanillas A., Guiron T.O., Olmedo-Requena R., Delgado-Rodríguez M., Jiménez-Moleon J.J. Occupational exposure to pesticides and prostate cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2016;73(2):134-144.
• González-Gay M.A., Llorca J. Clinical guidelines: Best practices and uncertainties in the management of PMR. Nature Reviews Rheumatology. 2016;12(1):3-4.
• Lope V., De Larrea N.F., Pérez-Gómez B., Martín V., Moreno V., Costas L. et al. Menstrual and reproductive factors and risk of gastric and colorectal cancer in Spain. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(10).
• Pastor-Barriuso R., Fernández M.F., Castano-Vinyals G., Whelan D., Pérez-Gómez B., Llorca J. et al. Total effective xenoestrogen burden in serum samples and risk for breast cancer in a population-based multicase–control study in Spain. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2016;124(10):1575-1582.
• López-Mejías R., Castaneda S., González-Juanatey C., Corrales A., Ferraz-Amaro I., Genre F. et al. Cardiovascular risk assessment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: The relevance of clinical, genetic and serological markers. Autoimmunity Reviews. 2016;15(11):1013-1030.
Our group in three main projects: MCC-Spain, PREDIMED-PLUS and UNIHCOS. MCC-Spain is a multicenter case-control study with more than 10000 subjects included, cases of cancer from different sites (breast, colorectal, stomach, prostate, and leukemia). In the MCC-Spain, our group has developed the project “Genetic variants and pathways related to cancer of breast and prostate and their interaction with exposure to endogenous and exogenous sexual hormones (PI: Javier Llorca), funded by the ISCIII (PI12/00715) and also carry out the project “Integration of both genetic and clinical data: survival of breast cancer in the MCC-Spain” (IP: Javier Llorca, funded by the ISCIII; PI15/00069). The group is member of the consortium PRACTICAL (Prostate Cancer Association Group to Investigate Cancer Associated Alterations in the Genome), funded by the US NIH and the 7th EU research program.
PREDIMED-PLUS is a multicenter randomized clinical trial on the effect of Mediterranean diet plus physical activity on the incidence of cardiovascular events, diabetes mellitus, and neurodegenerative diseases. It is funded by the ISCIII (IP: Miguel Delgado, PI14/01471). The trial has enrolled 6700 subjects in 22 centers of Spain. UNIHCOS is multicenter cohort study on students from 5 Spanish universities about the risk factors for addiction. It is funded by the National Plan against Addictions of the Ministry of Health.
Our group collaborates with other research teams of the CIBER-OBN (Obesity and Nutrition), in the projects SUN (a cohort study) and the above mentioned PREDIMED-PLUS trial, groups of the Research Network on Inflammation and Rheumatic Diseases (RIER) on the clinical epidemiology of rheumatic diseases.
During 2016 seven PhD theses, have been presented: drug abuse in several Spanish universities,
ocular diseases in the ataxia-telangiectasia syndrome, tobacco use, cardiovascular risk in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and spondyloarthritis, prognosis of severe injury in elderly, and communicational profile of general practitioners in Andalusia.
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