Page 71 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
P. 71
Objective 4. Characterize de areas with outbreaks of West Nile virus in Andalucía and analyze the temporal variation and environmental correlates of flavivirus and filovirus circulation.
Most relevant scientific articles
• Ferraguti M., La Puente J.M.-D., Soriguer R., Llorente F., Jiménez-Clavero M.A., Figuerola J. West Nile virus-neutralizing antibodies in wild birds from southern Spain. Epidemiology and Infection. 2016;1-5.
• Ferraguti M., Martínez-De La Puente J., Roiz D., Ruiz S., Soriguer R., Figuerola J. Effects of landscape anthropization on mosquito community composition and abundance. Scientific Reports. 2016;6.
• Viana D.S., Santamaria L., Figuerola J. Migratory Birds as Global Dispersal Vectors. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 2016;31(10):763-775.
• Escadafal C., Gaayeb L., Riccardo F., Pérez-Ramírez E., Picard M., Dente M.G. et al. Risk of Zika virus transmission in the Euro-Mediterranean area and the added value of building preparedness to arboviral threats from a One Health perspective. BMC Public Health. 2016;16(1).
• Pozo F., Juste J., Vázquez-Moron S., Aznar-Lopez C., Ibánez C., Garin I. et al. Identification of novel betaherpesviruses in iberian bats reveals parallel evolution. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(12).
In 2016 we have participated in seven research projects funded by Junta de Andalucía, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and the European Union. During this year, we have started a new research project to evaluate the consequences of the feeding preferences of different mosquito species on the transmission dynamics of vector-borne zoonotic pathogens. As part of this project, and in collaboration with the Department of Health of New York State we have studied the vectorial competence for Zika virus in different species of Spanish mosquitoes. In the European Project MEDILAB-Secure we have provided training to technicians from 17 countries at the borders of the European Union. Such training has focussed in the use of molecular and serological tools for the diagnosis of different zoonotic pathogens. We have also participated in the organization of the 10th Epizoone annual meeting held in Madrid.
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