Page 72 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
P. 72
De la Fuente Hoz, Luis
Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Centro Nacional de Epidemiología
Campus Chamartín
C/ Sinesio Delgado, 6 -pab. 12 28029 Madrid
(+34) 91 822 26 23
group website
Staff members: Hoyos Miller, Juan | Nuevo Benitez, Roberto | Sonego, Michela
Associated members: Belza Egozcue, María José | Bravo Portela, María José | Espelt Hernández, Albert | Indave Ruiz, Blanca Iciar | Otero García, Laura | Pulido Manzanero, José | Regidor Poyatos, Enrique | Rosales Statkus, María Elena | Sanz Barbero, Belén | Sordo del Castillo, Luis
Main lines of research
• Epidemiology and patterns of drug consumption and associated health problems, with especial attention to infectious diseases, psychiatric comorbidities, injuries and excessive mortality.
• Epidemiology of sexual risk behaviours and associated infections, especially the development of HIV diagnosis policies to promote the control of the epidemic and decrease delayed diagnosis.
• Study of the social determinants of behaviours, health related problems and mortality with especial attention to the socioeconomic position both contextual and individual.
• Impact of social, economic and health policies on health inequalities and the mortality risk by cause of death, with especial attention to the most socially vulnerable groups (migrants, drug consumers, sex workers etc.)
Social Determinants of Health DAPET Programme

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