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precariousness, and the incorporation of a large number of workers born in countries outside the EU in the last 15 years, are research priorities at CISAL, in order to provide the best information available to help adopt more effective policies to protect the health of these workers.
Most relevant scientific articles
• Vargas-Prada S., Coggon D., Ntani G., Walker-Bone K., Palmer K.T., Felli V.E. et al. Descriptive Epidemiology of Somatising Tendency: Findings from the CUPID Study. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(4).
• Ubalde-López M., Arends I., Almansa J., Delclos G.L., Gimeno D., Bultmann U. Beyond Return to Work: The Effect of Multimorbidity on Work Functioning Trajectories After Sick Leave due to Common Mental Disorders. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2016;1-8.
• Benavides FG, Merino-Salazar P, Cornelio C, Assunção AA, Agudelo-Suárez AA, Amable M et al. [Basic questionnaire and methodological criteria for Surveys on Working Conditions, Employment, and Health in Latin America and the Caribbean].Cadernos de saude publica. 2016;32(9):e00210715.
• Coggon D, Ntani G, Walker-Bone K, Palmer KT, Felli VE, Harari R et al. Epidemiological Differences Between Localised and Non-localised Low Back Pain.Spine. 2016;.
• Serra L, López Gómez MA, Sánchez-Niubo A, Delclos GL, Benavides FG. Application of latent growth modeling to identify different working life trajectories: the case of the Spanish WORKss cohort. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health. 2016.
During this year researchers from CISAL-UPF (Group 47) have leaded 4 projects FIS related to the Continous Working Life Sample Cohort (funded by the Institute of Health Carlos III), the Occupational Pathology Unit (funded by the Parc de Salut Mar), the project E-Capacit8 (funded by the European Commission), and the project Work-related Traffic Occupational Injury (funded by the DGT). Furthermore CISAL-UPF has been recognized for third consecutive time, by AGAUR-Catalonia for a new period 2014-2016.
Among other results, researchers from CISAL-UPF have published: 27 scientific papers, and 6 PhD Theses and 4 Master Thesis were defended, together with 20 communications in national and international meetings. Between the activities of transfer, we emphasize the organization of the III Meeting of the Network experts in Surveys of Conditions of Work and Health, in Lima (Peru, on March 17 and 18, 2016) and the first Report of Occupational Health of Portugal, elaborated by Saúde Pública’s Institute (ISPUP) in collaboration with CISAL-UPF, that were presented at the University of Porto during the II Conference of Occupational Health (October 14th)
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