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elements will be investigated, such as heterogeneity and publication bias, and these methodological knowledge will be used to apply to specific meta-analysis, collaborating with the clinical services interested.
• Epidemiology of alcohol consumption. During 2016 our group has completed the 11-year follow-up of the 2005 Compostela Cohort. This monitoring has received funding with a new AES proyect (2015 AES call). In addition, the follow-up of the Cohort Compostela 2016 has been started. The purpose of this new study is to evaluate changes in prevalence and explanatory factors of alcohol consumption among university students.
Most relevant scientific articles
• Torres-Durán M., Ruano-Ravina A., Kelsey K.T., Parente-Lamelas I., Provencio M., Leiro-Fernández V. et al. Small cell lung cancer in never-smokers. European Respiratory Journal. 2016;47(3):947-953.
• Ruano-Ravina A., Torres- Durán M., Kelsey K.T., Parente-Lamelas I., Leiro- Fernández V., Abdulkader I. et al. Residential radon, EGFR mutations and ALK alterations in never-smoking lung cancer cases. European Respiratory Journal. 2016;48(5):1462-1470.
• López-Vázquez P., Vázquez-Lago J.M., González-González C., Pineiro-Lamas M., López-Durán A., Herdeiro M.T. et al. Development and validation of the knowledge and attitudes regarding antibiotics and resistance (KAAR-11) questionnaire for primary care physicians. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2016;71(10):2972-2979.
• Barbosa-Lorenzo R., Barros-Dios J.M., Raices Aldrey M., Cerdeira Carames S., Ruano-Ravina A. Residential radon and cancers other than lung cancer: a cohort study in Galicia, a Spanish radon-prone area. European Journal of Epidemiology. 2016;1-5.
• López MJ, Pérez-Ríos M, Schiaffino A, Fernández E. Mortality Attributable to Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Spain (2011). Nicotine & tobacco research: official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. 2016.
Currently the group is running six competitive projects, in which our researchers are IPs: a study about the consequences of alcohol consumption in university students; the Small Cell Study about small cell lung cancer, its risk factors and genetic susceptibility; the IMATID Study to assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention in community pharmacists to improve pharmaceutical care in flu, colds and other infections
of the upper respiratory tract; the continuation of the project EMPHOGEN, through the new determinants gastrointestinal bleeding project associated with consumption of AAS as antiplatelet; a study on how the residential radon could see mediated its effect on lung cancer through different genetic polymorphisms in DNA repairing genes and the recognition by the Xunta de Galicia (on competitive basis) as a competitive reference group of the Galician University System.
In 2016 a publication in Future Microbiol (first quartile) together with the University of Aveiro group was recognized with an award of the Sociedade de Ciências Médicas of Lisbon that 33 more projects concurred. At the international level highlight the participation in the European project EUCaRE on cardiac rehabilitation, the presence at the International Panel of Experts of the Government of Singapore and the presence in the Editorial Committee of three journals indexed in JCR. In addition, several plenary lectures have been given at national congresses and scientific meetings. Members of the group have also carried out research stays and European projects have been requested (pending resolution). One member of the group has been appointed coordinator of the Spanish Lung Cancer Group.
In terms of research results, the Map of Radon of Galicia has been presented, with 3,400 residential radon measurements in the Galician municipalities (the complete Map of Spain has 8,200 measurements). These results are available to society on the website of the Galician Radon Laboratory.
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