Page 79 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Carmen Marrón M., Lora D., Gámez P., Rivas J.J., Embun R., Molins L. et al. Agreement between computed tomography and pathologic nodule counts in colorectal lung metastases. Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2016;101(1):259-265.
• Sanz-Bueno J., Lora D., Monsalvez V., Maronas-Jiménez L., Postigo C., Rodríguez- Peralto J.L. et al. The new Cutaneous Lymphoma International Prognostic index (CLIPi) for early mycosis fungoides failed to identify prognostic groups in a cohort of Spanish patients. British Journal of Dermatology. 2016.
• Castano-León A.M., Lora D., Munarriz P.M., Cepeda S., Paredes I., De La Cruz J. et al. Predicting Outcomes after Severe and Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury: An External Validation of Impact and Crash Prognostic Models in a Large Spanish Cohort. Journal of Neurotrauma. 2016;33(17):1598-1606.
• Lora D., Contador I., Perez-Regadera J.F., Gómez de la Cámara A. Features of the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. A good practice. Stata Journal. 2016;16(1):185-196.
• Baena-Diez J.M., Penafiel J., Subirana I., Ramos R., Elosua R., Marin-Ibánez A. et al. Risk of cause- specific death in individuals with diabetes: A competing risks analysis. Diabetes Care. 2016;39(11):1987- 1995.
Our unit of research and clinical trials in the Hospital 12 de Octubre is a basic pillar, supporting and collaborating between clinical practice and clinical research. Group 23 belongs to the Instituto de Investigación 12 de Octubre (i + 12), and within it, participates in the Integrated Project of Solid Organ Transplantation (PITOS) titled “Innovative strategies to seek novel biomarkers and predictive models in solid organ transplantation: Establishing personalized transplant medicine “.
The coordinator of the group coordinates the methodological and statistical program in the Spanish Clinical Research Network (SCReN). And the members of the group are actively working on the creation and implementation of standard procedures in clinical trials.
To highlight the work in the development of own research lines that have allowed us to integrate research groups such as Emerging Risk Factors Collaborations (ERFC), within the main line of research: study
DRECE (diet and risk of cardiovascular disease in Spain) . This study has been publishing data from a representative cohort of the general Spanish population with a follow-up of more than 20 years. This active line studies trends in cardiovascular mortality and its risk factors in our population.
At present, there is an active FIS project, whose objective is to establish the phenotype-genotype association and to identify genetic markers to incorporate into the cardiovascular risk equations.
The DRECE project has generated derived research lines such as the bigDRECE project, which consists of extracting information from the data analysis (big data - real world data) using computational techniques of mass data analysis.
Finally, to highlight the line of prognostic research that characterizes the group, which enriches the collaborative projects of PITOS, to the projects of DRECE, bigDRECE, PREDICE and research on head trauma and cancer (articles and doctoral thesis).
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