Page 81 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Azman A.S., Parker L.A., Rumunu J., Tadesse F., Grandesso F., Deng L.L. et al. Effectiveness of one dose of oral cholera vaccine in response to an outbreak: a case-cohort study. The Lancet Global Health. 2016;4(11):e856-e863.
• Vilar-Palop J., Vilar J., Hernández-Aguado I., González-Álvarez I., Lumbreras B. Updated effective doses in radiology. Journal of Radiological Protection. 2016;36(4):975-990.
• Lumbreras B., Vilar J., González-Álvarez I., Gómez-Sáez N., Domingo M.L., Lorente M.F. et al. The fate of patients with solitary pulmonary nodules: Clinical management and radiation exposure associated. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(7).
• Lumbreras B., Vilar J., González-Álvarez I., Guilabert M., Parker L.A., Pastor-Valero M. et al. Evaluation of clinicians’ knowledge and practices regarding medical radiological exposure: Findings from a mixed-methods investigation (survey and qualitative study). BMJ Open. 2016;6(10).
• Hernández-Aguado I., Zaragoza G.A. Support of public-private partnerships in health promotion and conflicts of interest. BMJ Open. 2016;6(4).
In clinical epidemiology, we have designed tools for transference of the results of the projects: design
of procedures for communicating radiological risk/benefit and impact of bio appearance in treatment compliance. We have participated in the European network: European Partnership on Active and Healthy Aging, A1, for the Plans of Improving Drug Adherence and Prescription. We continue the collaborations with the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and Doctors without Borders in the development
and implementation of a cholera vaccine. The group continues its implication in academic activities, coordinating the Doctoral Program of Public Health and Clinical Sciences and a Master on Cooperation. Also, we participate in 8 masters, 2 of them international. We have directed 5 doctoral theses. In the area of public health policy, we have coordinated an action of transference through the coordination and publications of the results of a meeting on public health priorities. We have started the collaboration with groups of academics on law, through a research project publicly funded to study the application of law to protect health. We continue with the provision of services such as participation in research agencies (ANEP) and the World Federation of Public Health Associations (Governing Council and Chair of the Policy Committe.
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