Page 82 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
P. 82
Ibarluzea Maurolagoitia, Jesús
Asociación Instituto Biodonostia
Subdirección de Salud Pública de Guipúzkoa
Avda de Navarra, 4
20013 Donostia | Guipúzkoa
(+34) 94 302 27 49 [email protected] group website
Staff members: Molinuevo Auzmendi, Amaia Ursula
Associated members: Aldasoro Unamuno, Elena | Altzibar Arotzena, Jone Miren | Amano Etxezarreta, Pilar | Arriola Larrarte, Larraitz | Basterrechea Irurzun, Mikel | Dorronsoro Iraeta, Miren | Goñi Irigoyen, José Fernando | Larrañaga Larrañaga, Nerea | Santa Marina Rodríguez, Loreto
Main lines of research
The group participates in research projects in collaboration with national and international groups in the disciplines of epidemiology, prevention and control of diseases mainly on two lines:
1. Epidemiology and control of chronic diseases
2. Epidemiology and prevention of diseases caused by environmental exposures during childhood.
We participate in MCC-Spain and INMA, national collaborative projects that have been strategic projects. EPIC-cancer, EPIC-Heart, INTERACT, ESCAPE, HELIX and MEDALL are international projects in which we participate together with other groups of CIBER.
In the area of environmental exposures, we also cooperate with the European project Geronimo (Generalised EMF using Novel Research Methods - an integrated approach: from research to support risk assessment and risk management to) and Rembrandt (Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields exposure and Brain Development: from exposure assessment to dose-response assessment).
The group also participates in two European projects about the effectiveness of the flu vaccine. In cycEVA (IMOVE) study, from the 2008-2009 season and from the current season in the IMOVE + Horizon 2020 a hospital-based case control study to measure seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness against laboratory confirmed influenza hospitalizations across the European Union and European Economic Area Members States. In the project, they are involved 23 European hospitals.
As far as responsible of the Basque Country Registry of Congenital Anomalies we are full members
of EUROCAT. EUROCAT is a project of the EU- Programme of the Directorate General of Public Health Community Action on Rare Diseases. It was conceived to function as a service for the surveillance of congenital anomalies in Europe. Funded both by Member States and EU. Aiming to assess the feasibility of pooling data across national boundaries, cluster detection and evaluation well as identification of primary prevention initiatives.
Epidemiology and Prevention of Chronic Diseases Epidemiology and Prevention of Environmental and Occupational Diseases
Clinical Epidemiology

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