Page 83 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Íniguez C., Esplugues A., Sunyer J., Basterrechea M., Fernández-Somoano A., Costa O. et al. Prenatal exposure to NO2 and ultrasound measures of fetal growth in the Spanish INMA cohort. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2016;124(2):235-242.
• Maitre L., Villanueva C.M., Lewis M.R., Ibarluzea J., Santa-Marina L., Vrijheid M. et al. Maternal urinary metabolic signatures of fetal growth and associated clinical and environmental factors in the INMA study. BMC Medicine. 2016;14(1).
• Espejo-Herrera N., Gracia-Lavedan E., Pollán M., Aragonés N., Boldo E., Pérez-Gómez B. et al. Ingested nitrate and breast cancer in the Spanish multicase-control study on cancer (MCC-Spain). Environmental Health Perspectives. 2016;124(7):1042-1049.
• De Batlle J, Gracia-Lavedan E, Romaguera D, Méndez M, Castaño-Vinyals G, Martín V et al. Meat intake, cooking methods and doneness and risk of colorectal tumours in the Spanish multicase-control study (MCC-Spain). European journal of nutrition. 2016.
• Larrañaga N, Sánchez MJ, Ardanaz E, Felipe S, Marcos-Gragera R, Ramos M et al. Incidence Patterns and Trends of non-Central Nervous System Solid Tumours in Children and Adolescents. A Collaborative Study of the Spanish Population Based Cancer Registries. Journal of Cancer. 2016;7(3):335-43.
The INMA group has started collaborating with experts in genomics and epigenomics from Texas University (School of Public Health) (preparing a NIH Grant) and with TECNUM (biomedical engineering) for the treatment of Big data. The monitoring of children at 8 years old has been performed and the planning of the monitoring at 11-12 years has started. We have started to include interaction in family context and other key variables in psycho-social stress in the analyses, due to their role as causal variables and effect modifiers. The project has actually an increasing interest for general public, medicine (family medicine, infirmary, pediatry), public health, urbanism and autonomic management.
The control of environmental factors and life habits is fundamental for cancer prevention. The project European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), and the multi case-control study named MCC are investigating this issue. The EPIC project, started in 1992, has as main objective to analyze the relationship between nutrition, life-habits and environmental factors, and the incidence of cancer and other chronic diseases. In Gipuzkoa, in a cohort of 8.400 people, the relationship of Bisphenol A and breast cancer, prostate cancer and myocardial infarctions are studied, together with chronodiet and obesity. Environmental contamination of particles and NOx and their relationship with specific cancer types are also studied (ESCAPE).
MCC, a multi case-control study with a participation of 10.000 people in 17 CIBERESP centres,
analyzes cancers with high prevalence. Drinking water, red meat ingestion, the follow up of nutritional recommendations, medicament consumption, working shifts, social inequalities and infections are studied.
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