Page 88 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
P. 88
López Medina, María José
Agencia de Salud Pública de Barcelona
Pl. Lesseps 1
28023 Barcelona
(+34) 93 202 77 48 [email protected] group website
Staff members: Arechavala Roe, Teresa | Culqui Levano, Dante Roger | León Pujadas, Gabriel
Associated members: Ariza Cardenal, Carlos | Centrich Escarpenter, Francesc | Continente García, Xavier | Fontcubierta, Mireia | García Altes, Anna | Muñoz Guzmán, Gloria | Pérez Giménez, Anna | Puigpino Riera, Rosa | Serral Cano, Gemma | Villalbi Hereter, Juan Ramón
Main lines of research
The main research line of the group is the evaluation of public health policies and programmes, which includes:
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Monitoring of behaviours and other health risk factors such as environmental exposures; Process, impact and economic evaluation of public health policies and programmes Innovative topics on evaluation, such as the evaluation related to the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in public health.
Social Determinants of Health

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