Page 91 - CIBERESP2016-ENG
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We have found that patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) present high levels of genetic damage at both primary and fixed level. / The CRF patients are characterized by genomic instability. This supposes that these patients are extremely sensitive to the environmental genotoxicants. / CRF patients present high mortality, but not specific causes have been found. / DNA oxidative damage and its inability to repair it is an important factor explaining why these patients show high levels of genetic damage.
• Genotoxic mechanisms of nanomaterials. This is a recent research line aiming to determine the risk that can suppose the presence of these new materials in our near environment.
The obtained results until now indicate that:
Silver in its nanoparticulated form is able of induce genotoxic damage in vivo as we have demonstrated in Drosophila. / We have detected several nanomaterials such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide modulate the genotoxic effects induced by UV light. / Long-term exposures to sub-toxic doses of cobalt nanoparticles induce cell transformation as well as other markers of tumoral processes. / Cerium nanoparticles pose antioxidant potential both in vivo and in vitro.
Most relevant scientific articles
• Vales G., Rubio L., Marcos R. Genotoxic and cell-transformation effects of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) following in vitro sub-chronic exposures. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2016;306:193-202.
• Annangi B., Bonassi S., Marcos R., Hernández A.. Biomonitoring of humans exposed to arsenic, chromium, nickel, vanadium, and complex mixtures of metals by using the micronucleus test in lymphocytes. Mutation Research - Reviews in Mutation Research. 2016;770:140-161.
• Corredor Z., Rodríguez-Ribera L., Coll E., Montanes R., Díaz J.M., Ballarín J. et al. Unfermented grape juice reduce genomic damage on patients undergoing hemodialysis. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2016;92:1-7.
• Alaraby M., Annangi B., Marcos R., Hernández A.. Drosophila Melanogaster as a Suitable In Vivo Model to Determine Potential Side Effects of Nanomaterials: A Review. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part B: Critical Reviews. 2016;1-40.
• Corredor Z., Rodríguez-Ribera L., Silva I., Diaz J.M., Ballarín J., Marcos R. et al. Levels of DNA damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients undergoing standard hemodialysis vs on-line hemodiafiltration: A comet assay investigation. Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis. 2016;808:1-7.
A total 14 publications with an accumulated impact factor of 62.031 have been published. This means an averaged factor of 4.431.
Participation in three research projects.
- One supported by FIS in collaboration with the Fundación Puigvert entitled: Biomarcadores de pronóstico y estrategias para disminuir la morbimortalidad de pacientes con insuficiencia renal.
- The second one has been funded by the UE and entitled: A common European approach to the regulatory testing of nanomaterials (NaNoREG).
- The third has been funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity entttled: NANOBARRIER. Desarrollo de modelos in vitro e in vivo de barrera intestinal para determinar el riesgo de los nanomateriales.
Defence of three PhD Thesis entitled:
- Daño genómico como biomarcador de la enfermedad renal crónica. Zuray F. Corredor Mancilla. Directores: S. Pastor y R. Marcos. Lectura: 30-06-2016.
- Desarrollo de un modelo in vitro de barrera intestinal para la evaluación del riesgo de nanomateriales. Laura Vila Vecilla. Directores: A. Hernández y R. Marcos. Lectura: 9-11-2016.
- Biological effects of nanomaterials in Drosophila melanogaster (diptera, insecta) as in vivo model. Mohamed Alaraby. Directores: R. Marcos y A. Hernández. Lectura: 12-12-2016.
Ricard Marcos acted as expert, nominated by the Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, in the ad hoc Commission of the OCDE responsible for the revision and updating of the Guidelines on Genotoxicity Assays.
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