Aging as a Major Risk Factor of Disease
Location: Madrid
Organizers: Ana Maria Cuervo, Rafael de Cabo, Manuel Serrano, Jose Viña, Guido Kroemer, Placido Navas.
Sponsors: CIBERFES - ISCIII, NIH Nathan Shock Centers of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging, Fundación GADEA, Fundación MUTUA MADRILEÑA, SEMEG, Fundacion Once, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics
It is clear that the field of geroscience is poised to become an important area of focus in biomedicine in the future. But there is considerable work to be done in order to bring the field forward, bridging the gap and increase our understanding of the molecular and cellular underpinnings of aging that make it the main risk factor for disease and disability.
In 2019, a series of international meetings, with support from the Nathan Shock Centers Coordinating Center, will aim to increase and enhance our understanding of geroscience concepts, and to encourage researchers around the globe to integrate these concepts into their research endeavors, in order to accelerate the development of both prevention and intervention strategies.
Conference sessions will combine basic, translational, and clinical researchers and will feature a unique format of short, focused talks (think TED talks) centered on critical open research questions, along with interactive panel discussions. Presentations will be followed by moderated discussions.
These conferences will foster the cross-pollination of concepts and approaches, introduce researchers working on common problems who may otherwise have never met, and initiate research collaborations between researchers at differing center programs.