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ed factors, in the general population.
Environmental health, reproductive health, life styles, and diet. The group works in this research line on food and nutrient patterns, physical activity, and other life style factors, in relation to health and development of chronic diseases. Other research interest focuses on reproductive health of young adults, and the study of its related factors, both endogenous and environmental (hormonal and de- velopmental factors, diet, sedentarism, environmental pol- lutants, heavy metals).
Social determinants of health. Inequailty, immigration and gender. Through the project ‘Health and Cultures’
Research groups
the group has carried out the study of the health of the immigrant population in Murcia and its determinant fac- tors, in order to identify the specific health needs of such a minortiy and the barriers that limit their health care. Oth- er research lines of the group involves the study of social problems such as the domestic violence, or the double workload (paid work and domestic labors) of women and its health consequences. Furthermore, within the MEDEA project, the group takes part in the study of economic and environmental inequalities on the morbidity and mortality in small areas of large cities in Spain.
Most relevant scientific articles
CIRERA L, HUERTA JM, CHIRLAQUE MD, MOLINA-MONTES E, ALTZI- BAR JM, ARDANAZ E ET AL. Life-course social position, obesity and diabetes risk in the EPIC-Spain Cohort.European journal of public health. 2015;.
NAVARRO-MATEU F., TORMO M.J., SALMERON D., VILAGUT G., NAVARRO C., RUIZ-MERINO G. ET AL. Prevalence of mental dis- orders in the South-East of Spain, one of the European regions most affected by the economic crisis: The cross-sectional PE- GASUS-Murcia project. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(9):-.
Throughout 2015, the group has developed its diverse scientific programme at regional, national and interna- tional levels. The main research lines of the group are the study of the survival of ovarian cancer, worldwide (CON- CORD) and Europe-wide (EUROCARE, SUDCAN), the ef- fect of exposure to bisphenol-A on the risk of breast and prostate cancer and coronary heart disease (EPIC), the etiological role of physical activity and obesity on gastric cancer risk (MCC-Spain, EPIC), the GxE determinants of post-traumatic disorder (PEGASUS), the relevance of glycated hemoglobin for the prediction of coronary risk in non-diabetics (EPIC-CVD), the Bayesian modelling of health risks, the effect of endocrine disruption on fertil- ity, or the characterization of intimate partner violence among immigrants. It is remarkable the participation in international scientific consortia, co-authoring papers in top scientific journals (Nat Genet: Gaulton et al., Micha- ilidou et al.; J Natl Cancer Inst: Sampson et al.; JAMA Psychiatry: McGrath et al.). Furthermore, through our leadership in the EIP-AHA partnership in Murcia, the
en with cancers of breast and genital organs in Europe 1999- 2007: Results of the EUROCARE-5 study. European Journal of Cancer. 2015;51(15):2191-2205.
SALMERON D., CANO J.A., CHIRLAQUE M.D.. Reducing Mon- te Carlo error in the Bayesian estimation of risk ratios us- ing log-binomial regression models. Statistics in Medicine. 2015;34(19):2755-2767.
GAULTON K.J., FERREIRA T., LEE Y., RAIMONDO A., MAGI R., RE- SCHEN M.E. ET AL. Genetic fine mapping and genomic annota- tion defines causal mechanisms at type 2 diabetes suscepti- bility loci. Nature Genetics. 2015;47(12):1415-1425.
group is actively involved in the innovative eHealth Euro- pean projects IN3CA ( and FICHe (
In 2015, the group obtained competitive funding for two new research lines: “Chronodiet, circadian clock genes polymorphisms, weight change, and obesity in the EP- IC-Spain study” (Institute of Health Carlos III, Madrid), and “Mediterranean diet and risk of Alzheimer and de- mentia in Spain, assessed in the multi-centre cohort of the EPIC study. Implications for the prevention of cogni- tive decline” (Fundación SÉNECA, Murcia).
Finally, the group has been selected as a partner for the EU ‘Joint Action in Rare Cancers’, and has accept- ed an invitation of the ‘Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaboration’ (Imperial College, London) to contribute first-hand representative survey data of the regional population for improving the local and global estimates of the prevalence of major metabolic risk factors.
Institution: Fundación para la Formación e Investigación Sanitarias de la Región de Murcia (FFIS)
Contact: D. G. de Salud Pública de Murcia. C/ Luis Fontes Pagán no 9 - 1a planta. 30003 Murcia
Tel.: 968 36 20 39 · E.mail: [email protected] · Web:
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