Page 103 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
P. 103
Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
CALVENTE I., FERNáNDEZ M.F., PéREZ-LOBATO R., DAVILA-ARI- AS C., OCON O., RAMOS R. ET AL. Outdoor characterization of radio frequency electromagnetic fields in a Spanish birth cohort. Environmental Research. 2015;138:136-143.
ARREBOLA J.P., FERNáNDEZ M.F., MARTíN-OLMEDO P., BONDE J.P., MARTíN-RODRíGUEZ J.L., EXPOSITO J. ET AL. Historical exposure to persistent organic pollutants and risk of incident hypertension. Environmental Research. 2015;138:217-223.
ARREBOLA J.P., BELHASSEN H., ARTACHO-CORDON F., GHALI R., GHORBEL H., BOUSSEN H. ET AL. Risk of female breast cancer and serum concentrations of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls: A case-con- trol study in Tunisia. Science of the Total Environment. 2015;520:106-113.
CLEMENTE DB, CASAS M, VILAHUR N, BEGIRISTAIN H, BUSTAMANTE M, CARSIN AE ET AL. Prenatal Ambient Air Pollution, Placental Mitochondrial DNA Content, and Birth
FERNáNDEZ M.F., ARTACHO-CORDON F., FREIRE C., PéREZ-LO- BATO R., CALVENTE I., RAMOS R. ET AL. Trends in children’s exposure to second-hand smoke in the INMA-Granada cohort: An evaluation of the Spanish anti-smoking law. En- vironmental Research. 2015;138:461-468.
The CIBERESP-19 group has carried out clinical-ep- idemiological studies on exposure to persistent and non-persistent environmental endocrine-disrupting compounds and its effects on human health. Inves- tigations have especially focused on the influence of this exposure on the development of children in the INMA cohort (urogenital malformations at birth, thy- roid function and neurodevelopment during the first years of life) and on its effects in adults (metabolic disorders, obesity and hormone-related cancer) in the MCC-Spain study, among others. Access to the Red Biobancos (Biobank Network) has allowed us to: i) develop a biomarker of combined exposure to compounds with anti-androgenic activity (TEXB-AA), employed to demonstrate male reproductive health risks; and ii) study molecular, genetic and epigenetic changes as potential mediators between exposure and its effects; thus, the combination of atmospher- ic contamination and tobacco habit during pregnan- cy was found to be implicated in the specific meth- ylation of genes associated with newborn weight at delivery. The competitive funding achieved by the group [FIS PI11/00610, PI13/02406, PI14/00067;
Weight in the INMA (Spain) and ENVIRONAGE (Belgium) Birth Cohorts.Environmental health perspectives. 2015.
Autonómicos PI0513/2012, PI0730/20113] has allowed the group to consolidate existing research lines and initiate the following new lines: i) identifica- tion of environmental “obesogens”, i.e., compounds that favour obesity, hypertension, diabetes and/or the metabolic syndrome; ii) study of the relation- ship of historic exposure to bisphenol-A with hor- mone-dependent cancers and cardiovascular risk in the EPIC-Spain cohort; iii) characterization of expo- sure to non-ionizing radiation in the INMA-Granada cohort with development of an exposure measure- ment protocol for INMA-Spain; and iv) analysis of the effects of current anti-tobacco legislation in chil- dren. We organized the XII National Conference on Endocrine Disruptors (Cartagena), bringing together more than 350 professionals. We contributed to the EU report on bisphenol-A exposure in the hospital setting. Finally, our research activity contributed to the ISCIII accreditation of the Instituto de Investi- gación Biosanitaria (ibs.GRANADA), whose Scientific Director is Principal Investigator of our group.
Institution: Fundación para la Investigación Biosanitaria en Andalucía Oriental (FIBAO)
Contact: Hospital Clínico San Cecilio · Dr. Azpitarte, 4-4a Planta. Edificio Licinio de la Fuente
18012 Granada · Tel.: 95 824 40 49 · E.mail: [email protected] · Web:
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