Page 99 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
ROJO D., GOSALBES M.J., FERRARI R., PéREZ-COBAS A.E., HERNáNDEZ E., OLTRA R. ET AL. Clostridium difficile het- erogeneously impacts intestinal community architecture but drives stable metabolome responses. ISME Journal. 2015;9(10):2206-2220.
SáNCHEZ-BUSO L., COSCOLLA M., PALERO F., CAMARO M.L., GIMENO A., MORENO P. ET AL. Geographical and temporal structures of Legionella pneumophila sequence types in Comunitat Valenciana (Spain), 1998 to 2013. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2015;81(20):7106-7113.
PéREZ-LAGO L., MARTíNEZ LIROLA M., HERRANZ M., COMAS I., BOUZA E., GARCíA-DE-VIEDMA D.. Fast and low-cost de- centralized surveillance of transmission of tuberculosis based on strain-specific PCRs tailored from whole ge-
During 2015, our group has been funded by 6 grants both national and regional (PROMETEOII/2014/065, SAF2013-43521-R, SAF2013-49788-EXP, SAF2012- 31187, BFU2014-58656-R, FPEF13-3E-2547) and 3 European (ERC-StG-2014-638553TB ACCELER- ATE, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015, ERA-NET Infect-ERA (Seventh Research Framework Programme). Also, we have participated in the European project “Rec- ognition of the primary infection by Pneumocystis in infants: a silent threat to public health” (ELAC2014/ HID0254) granted by “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” and led by Dr. Sergio Vargas (University of Santiago de Chile). During this year, the project “Identification of novel modulators of chronic inflammation in prev- alent diseases: unveiling divergent mechanisms of disease” (PIE14/00045) has received funding and Prof. Andrés Moya is leader of workpackage 2 on Epidemiological Analyses. We belong to la Red de Excelencia “Genómica de la Adaptación” granted by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CGL2015- 71726-REDT,1/12/2015- 31/11/2017).
Furthermore, we maintain close partnerships with different national and international research groups and also with hospitals located in the Comunidad Valenciana and Spain to work in the field of human microbiome and infectious pathogens.
nome sequencing data: A pilot study. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 2015;21(3):249.e1-249.e9.
PUIG-BARBERA J., MIRA-IGLESIAS A., TORTAJADA-GIRBES M., LóPEZ-LABRADOR F.X., BELENGUER-VAREA A., CAR- BALLIDO-FERNáNDEZ M. ET AL. Effectiveness of influenza vaccination programme in preventing hospital admis- sions, Valencia, 2014/15 early results. Eurosurveillance. 2015;20(8).
MOSELE J.I., GOSALBES M.-J., MACIA A., RUBIO L., VáZQUEZ-CAS- TELLANOS J.F., JIMéNEZ HERNáNDEZ N. ET AL. Effect of daily intake of pomegranate juice on fecal microbiota and feces metabolites from healthy volunteers. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. 2015;59(10):1942-1953.
Our group have applied for an European patent (Application number: EP15305758.3) with the title “Methods and means for managing extended-spec- trum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing entero- bacteriaceae colonization” in collaboration with Dr. Andremont from the University of Paris-DIderot (France). CIBER is listed as applicant with Universi- dad de Valencia, Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana, Université Paris Diderot Paris 7, Assis- tance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris.
In 2015 the FISABIO-University of Valencia Academ- ic Chair has continued, being Prof. Andrés Moya the director.
During 2015 two doctoral theses have been defend- ed, and another fourare ongoing. Also, during this year we received various students from both nation- al and international universities.
Institution: Universitat de València · Contact: Facultad de Medicina de Valencia Avda. Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, 15. 46010 Valencia · Tel. +34 96 354 34 80
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