Page 118 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
P. 118
Research groups
Group 30
Programme: Epidemiology and Control of Chronic Diseases Lead Researcher: Schröder, Helmut
Group Members
STAFF MEMBERS: Cabañero Marimón, Marta | Subirana Cachinero, Isaac.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Baena Díez, José Miguel | Funtikova, Anna | Martí Soler, Helena | Molina Ferragut,
Luis | Vila Domènech, Juan Salvador.
Main lines of research
Impact of diet on cardiometabolic health.
Diet plays an important role in the prevention of chronic diseases. We have determined the associ- ation between diet (foods/beverages/nutrients/die- tary patterns) and cardiovascular risk factors, such as dislipemia, lipid oxidation, and obesity in children and adults.
Development and validation of short assessments tools.
An urgent need in dietary and physical activity as- sessment is the development of short tools that provide valid assessments of dietary quality for use in time-limited settings. Therefore, we developed and validated 3 short screeners for dietary quality assessment in adults. Currently we are validating a short physical activity screener in 150 boys and girls aged 6 to 10 year.
Prevalence and impact of obesity on cardiometa- bolic health.
The obesity epidemic is one of the biggest current challenges for health policy. Surrogate measures of general and abdominal adiposity have been related to cardiometabolic risk in children, adolescents, and adults. We have analyzed the prevalence and trends in general and abdominal obesity in adults and chil- dren. Furthermore, we have determined the impact of adiposity on cardiovascular risk factors. Currently we are analyzing the impact of obesity on cardiovas- cular events in 50.000 Spaniards.
Effect of a community based intervention program to prevent childhood obesity.
The rapid growth of childhood obesity is a serious problem for public health worldwide. Spain has one of the highest prevalence rates of childhood
118 I Annual report 2015 I CIBERESP