Page 120 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
P. 120
Research groups
Group 40
Programme: Epidemiology and Environmental and Occupational Risk Prevention
Lead Researcher: Sunyer Deu, Jordi
Group Members
STAFF MEMBERS: Cirugeda Bolós, Lourdes | Delgado Llobet, Ana | García Esteban, Raquel | Gros Monné,
Susana | Murcia Hinarejos, Mario Jesús.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Agis Cherta, David | Aguilera Jiménez, Immaculada | Antó Boqué, Josep Maria | Arbillaga Etxarri, Ane | Basagaña Flores, Xavier | Benet Mora, Marta | Borrás Santos, Alicia | Bouso Castillo, Laura | Bustamante Pineda, Mariona | Casas Ruiz , Lidia | Damaskini, Valvi | Fochs Casas, Silvia | Foraster Pulido, María | García Aymerich, Judith | Gascón Merlos, Mireia | Gimeno Santos, Elena | Guxens Junyent, Mónica | Julvez Calvo, Jordi | López Vicente, Mónica | Persavento, María Cecilia | Pey Rosell, Nuria | Pinart Gilberga, Mariona | Rivas Lara, Ioar | Serra Pons, Ignasi | Torrent Quetglas, Matías | Vafeiadi Marina, Vafeiadi Marina | Vilahur Chiaraviglio, Nadia | Vrijheid, Martine.
Main lines of research
Pre and post-natal life are critical periods in the or- igins of chronic diseases, such as obesity, the met- abolic syndrome, cognitive development, and the origins of asthma and allergy.
The major scientific objective is: To perform epi- demiological studies on the early life origins of the neurodevelopment, the obesity and metabolic syn- drome and allergy and asthma.
Scientific objectives:
• To discover the effects of early life environmen- tal factors (i.e., traffic, indoor air pollution, fish intake) on brain function, lung function and asth- ma/allergy.
• To investigate the role of environmental agents (i.e., DDE, BPA, PFCs, endocrine disruptors) on obesity and metabolic syndrome, and on asthma and the immune system.
• To identify early epigenetic markers of neurode- velopment, obesity and growth, and asthma, as well as the gene-environmental interactions relat- ed to asthma and COPD progression.
• To develop methods on omics in child health studies and methods on the statistical analysis of these data.
• To extend the program to a global health agenda following collaboration on risk balance of indoor residual spraying and indoor biofuel mass com- bustion.
• To assess the effects of physical activity and diet in asthma/allergy, obesity and COPD. To assess the phenotypic heterogeneity and the comor- bidities of respiratory and allergic diseases and COPD.
120 I Annual report 2015 I CIBERESP