Page 123 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
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FIGUEROA J.D., KOUTROS S., COLT J.S., KOGEVINAS M., GARCíA-CLOSAS M., REAL F.X. ET AL. Modification of Occu- pational Exposures on Bladder Cancer Risk by Common Genetic Polymorphisms. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2015;107(11).
CLEMENTE DB, CASAS M, VILAHUR N, BEGIRISTAIN H, BUSTAMANTE M, CARSIN AE ET AL. Prenatal Ambient Air Pollution, Placental Mitochondrial DNA Content, and Birth Weight in the INMA (Spain) and ENVIRONAGE (Belgium) Birth Cohorts.Environmental health perspectives. 2015.
LóPEZ-ESPINOSA M.-J., COSTA O., VIZCAINO E., MURCIA M., FERNáNDEZ-SOMOANO A., INIGUEZ C. ET AL. Prenatal Ex- posure to Polybrominated Flame Retardants and Fetal
In lung cancer, study CAPUA, we have conducted in collaboration with the SYNERGY project of IARC, an array of occupation-exposition (SYN-JEM) for the development of occupational exposure variables to assess relations occupation-exposition in lung can- cer and estimate the interactions between occupa- tional carcinogens. Study CAPUA in ILCCO is part of the international basis “The database of genotype and Phenotypes (dbGaP)”, including genome-wide association, sequencing, molecular diagnosis, gen- otype and treatment. The objective is to increase the power of detection of genetic factors influencing all histological types of lung cancer, to be able to ana- lyze, cancers that make their debut very young, of certain histological characteristics, groups of nev- er-smokers or women. The breadth of these studies GWAS sample will allow studying the interactions of gene and environment on lung cancer, with the ul-
Growth in the INMA Cohort (Spain). Environmental Sci- ence and Technology. 2015;49(16):10108-10116.
MORALES E., JULVEZ J., TORRENT M., BALLESTER F., RODRíGUEZ-BERNAL C.L., ANDIARENA A. ET AL. Vitamin D in Pregnancy and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder-like Symptoms in Childhood. Epidemiology. 2015;26(4):458- 465.
PAPANTONIOU K., CASTANO-VINYALS G., ESPINOSA A., ARAG- ONES N., PéREZ-GóMEZ B., ARDANAZ E. ET AL. Breast can- cer risk and night shift work in a case–control study in a Spanish population. European Journal of Epidemiology. 2015.
timate goal of identifying individuals and groups at high risk can lead to screening and early detection in lung cancer. Bladder cancer in collaboration with NCI and the CNIO, have continued the exploration and analysis of genetic susceptibility, through appli- cation of pathways analysis factors candidates and multi-single nucleotide polymorphism (multi-SNP), by Bayesian analysis to detect the main effects of variants of genes of bladder cancer and inflamma- tion. In the INMA cohort we have completed fol- low-up at age 7 with a rate of 93,55%, the highest of the INMA project tracking. We have signed an agreement with the Ministry of health of Asturias to participate in the Plan of the air quality in Gijón. We have participated in the drafting of the Guide Clin- ic: recommendations about nutrition with iodine in the preconception stage, pregnancy and lactation. Technical report.
Institution: Universidad de Oviedo · Contact: Facultad de Medicina. Julián Clavería 6. 33006 Oviedo
Tel.: 985 103 556 ·E.mail: [email protected]
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