Page 121 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
AGAY-SHAY K., MARTíNEZ D., VALVI D., GARCíA-ESTEBAN R., BASAGANA X., ROBINSON O. ET AL. Exposure to endo- crine-disrupting chemicals during pregnancy and weight at 7 years of age: A multi-pollutant approach. Environmen- tal Health Perspectives. 2015;123(10):1030-1037.
GASCON M., CASAS M., MORALES E., VALVI D., BALLES- TEROS-GóMEZ A., LUQUE N. ET AL. Prenatal exposure to bi- sphenol A and phthalates and childhood respiratory tract infections and allergy. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Im- munology. 2015;135(2):370-378.
DADVAND P., NIEUWENHUIJSEN M.J., ESNAOLA M., FORNS J., BASAGANA X., áLVAREZ-PEDREROL M. ET AL. Green spac- es and cognitive development in primary schoolchildren.
Pre and post-natal life are critical periods in the origins of chronic diseases, such as obesity, the metabolic syndrome, cognitive development, and the asthma and allergy. However, our current un- derstanding of how chronic diseases develop dur- ing fetal life and childhood is still very limited. Still few isolated risk factors have been assessed and its causal mechanisms are poorly understood. We propose that:
• The epidemiological studies by applying birth co- horts from the general population is a successful strategy for unraveling the complex multicausal origins of chronic disease.
• Potentially harmful environmental and behavio- ral factors should be assessed at a much wider scale thought a better integration of the omics. This has been significantly consolidated with the leadership (PI M Vrijheid) of the Helix Project to develope the exposome in birth cohorts and the leadership of J Garcia-Aymerich developing new methods for unsupervised statistics.
• The integration of imaging together with the ‘ex- posome’ in epidemiological studies opens new
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2015;112(26):7937-7942.
SUNYER J., ESNAOLA M., áLVAREZ-PEDREROL M., FORNS J., RIVAS I., LóPEZ-VICENTE M. ET AL. Association between Traffic-Related Air Pollution in Schools and Cognitive De- velopment in Primary School Children: A Prospective Co-hort Study. PLoS Medicine. 2015;12(3).
GUERRA S., HALONEN M., VASQUEZ M.M., SPANGENBERG A., STERN D.A., MORGAN W.J. ET AL. Relation between circu- lating CC16 concentrations, lung function, and develop- ment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease across the lifespan: A prospective study. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 2015;3(8):613-620.
opportunities for understanding the underlying mechanisms. An area of particular interest in our group is the understanding of which and how en- vironmental risks play a detrimental role on neu- rodevelopment during the fetal and first years of life, an effort promoted by the ERC-Adv Breathe project (PI J Sunyer).
• The alliance with CRESIB under the ISGlobal opens opportunities to enlarge studies to a global context.
• The environmental determinants of respiratory diseases are leading causes of DALYs worldwide: particulate matter, physical inactivity and low physical activity occupational particulate matter, gasses and fumes, ozone pollution and occupa- tional asthmogens. Increasing research shows that asthma and COPD are complex phenotypes whose definitions and classification need to be reconsidered. We have consolidated as scientific leaders in these fields, by leading and participat- ing in large national and international projects.
Institution: Centre de Recerca en Epidemiología Ambiental (CREAL) · Contact: C/. Doctor Aiguader, 88 1a pl. Edifici PRBB. 08003 Barcelona · Tel.: 932 147 340 · E.mail: [email protected] · Website:
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