Page 19 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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P2. Communicable Disease Prevention, Surveillance and Control (PREVICET)
Scientific Programmes
Relevant PREVICET Results 2015
INFLUENZA: group 32 leads a FIS project PI13/02123, in which researchers from PREVICET group I and CIBERESP groups 11 and 28 take part, as well as other groups from all Spain’s administra- tive regions. Group 01 leads project FIS PI12/0279 on the effectiveness of anti-flu and anti-pneumoc- cocal vaccines in persons of 65 years and over in which researchers from group 12 and other CIBER- ESP groups are involved. In 2015 a total number of eleven articles have been published on this disease.
IMMUNOPREVENTABLE VIRAL INFECTIONS: One article has been published on the subject by re- searchers from groups 01 and 12. Group 32 is work- ing on the project entitled “Integrating molecular characterisation of viruses in monitoring measles” in order to succeed in its elimination, along with a further two PREVICET groups. Four articles have been published and nine papers at congresses have been given by group 13, some in cooperation with other PREVICET groups. A special on-site mission of the WHO for assessing the system for monitoring measles and rubella in Spain has been participated in. A cooperative research project has been obtained by groups 13 and 32 in the ISCIII Strategic Health Action 2015, entitled: Epidemiological Analysis of viral agents included in triple virus vaccination: new challenges.
OTHER VIRAL INFECTIONS. Group 13 published 8 articles on arbovirosis, rabies and infections by herpesviruses and polyomaviruses in the immuno- depressed.
WHOOPING COUGH: A cooperative project as- signed on the “Effectiveness of the whooping cough vaccination in women in the third trimester of preg- nancy to prevent whooping cough: case study and controls in Catalonia and Navarre (PI15/02188)” is being carried out. Researchers from groups 01, 11 and 12, are taking part in this, as well as a Research Group from San Juan de Dios Hospital in Esplu- gues. Four articles on this disease were published in 2015.
PNEUMOCCOCAL DISEASE: researchers from groups 01 and 12 have published two articles on pneumoccal disease.
TUBERCULOSIS: The project entitled: “Screening of Communicable Diseases in the immigrant pop- ulation in a district with low social-economic level: comparison of two strategies” (PI12/02573) was assigned. In 2015 three articles were published on this disease. Group 32 is working on contributing to the knowledge of the epidemiological situation of tuberculosis and of the indicators for control of the disease.
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES: The project led by researchers from group 32 is under way, on “Estimations of prevalence of HIV and of the undiag- nosed fraction in Spain: comparison using different methods” (FIS: Ex. PI13/02300). In 2015 two articles on these infections were published.
Group 32 is working on coordinating the implemen- tation of the National System for Monitoring Infec- tions connected with Healthcare and participation in the National Strategic Plan for Control of Resistance to Antimicrobials.
On the international level, cooperation is under way in the following fields:
Group 01: Events decisions making and communi- cation (DG Sanco), Syndromic Surveillance System, Emerging Diseases y Enfermedad de Chagas (OMS).
Group 12: different clinical assays of CDC- U.S.A. in cooperation with RIS.
Group 13: National Reference Laboratory of the WHO on measles and rubella and ECDC focal point for measles, rubella and parotiditis; member of the European group of measles and rubella laboratories of the WHO.
Group 32: ECDC Focal point in networks and Europe- an projects: “Optimising testing and linkage to care for HIV across Europe (OptTEST by HiE), in cooper- ation with group 54A (European Commission-Sec- ond Programme of Community action in the field of Health (2008-2013); Exp: Ares no. 685484)”. Eu- ropean Project: I-Move+ Integrated Monitoring of Vaccine.
CIBERESP I Annual report 2015 I 19