Page 21 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
P. 21
P4. Social Determinants of Health
As part of the “social determinants of health” pro- gramme, the sub-programme on crisis and health aims to study the impact of the crisis on health in Spain, through a FIS project already started in 2014. This sub-programme has gone on with its work, one of this year’s highlights being the organisation of a spontaneous round table for papers on the “Effects of the crisis on the population’s health and its deter- minants in Spain”, at the 2nd Latin-American Con- gress on Epidemiology and Public Health, held in Santiago de Compostela in September.
Work has also continued on identifying, compiling and analysing contextual indicators available in Spain to assess the social determinants of health and the economic crisis, creating a Directory with extensive information on the indicators and a Data- base. This work was presented at the last Scientific Event of the CIBERESP in Santiago de Composte- la, and a manuscript has also been drawn up for its publication. Work has also been done on the tech- niques for analysis of the indicators, and on the form of displaying their evolution from the start of the crisis, as well as the variations between Spain’s different administrative regions.
As regards specific objectives of the sub-pro- gramme, on the “effect of the crisis on mortality and on the socio-economic inequalities in mortality in Spain”, the databases connected with the project have been collected and debugged. There are al- ready three manuscripts being drafted, one which
explains the protocol of the study, one connected with the evolution of inequalities in suicide in Bar- celona and the Basque Country and another on ine- qualities in the main causes of mortality in Barcelo- na, the Basque Country, Andalusia and Madrid. Two articles have been published on the “effect of eco- nomic recessions on the use of healthcare services”, one on the increase in consumption of psychotropic drugs since the start of the crisis and another on the increase of suicide rates associated with the crisis. Four articles have also been published in the framework of the project on the “effect of the eco- nomic crisis on the consumption of alcohol and other drugs and on the cover of social-healthcare requirements for vulnerable groups in Spain”. Last- ly, as regards the effect of the economic crisis on morbidity and on inequalities in the main risk factors of prevalent chronic diseases, the databases have been prepared and analyses are being carried out.
Three groups in the programme presented a coordi- nated project at the last FIS call, which has been ac- cepted for financing. This project, on energy poverty and health, has the main aim of analysing energy poverty (EP) in Spain’s Autonomous Community ad- ministrative regions and its relationship with health, social and climatic determinants and the economic crisis.
Scientific Programmes
CIBERESP I Annual report 2015 I 21