Page 23 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
P. 23
P6. Health Service Evaluation
Scientific Programmes
As part of the “Burden of Disease” sub-programme, researchers from the EBiSa (PI14/00057) complet- ed over the year the reconstruction of the cohort of affiliates from 2004 to 2013, based on admin- istrative data from the Social Security. It consisted of 1,022,779 (59.4% male) persons who had in this period contributed 6.7 million person-years, among whom the rate of permanent disability (33,011 cases) was 4.9 (5.6 for men) per 1000 and that of mortality (16,203 deaths) was 2.4 (3.3 for men) per 1000. BMJOpen Journal has accepted an article for publication in which Cohort MCVL (Continuous Working Life Sample) is described.
BiblioPRO registered 2897 new users, and an av- erage of 3500 visits a month. 495 new PRO (Pa- tient-Reported Outcome) questionnaires were added, coming to an accumulated total of 1354 in- struments. The 2nd BiblioPRO Scientific Symposi- um was held with guest lectures by international ex- perts and a total number of 157 attending in person plus 150 in streaming. The course on “Development and Use of EMPRO: a tool for standardised assess- ment of PRO measures” was held, accredited by the CCFCPS (12.7 credits) and with teaching staff made up of researchers from the scientific committee.
Group 09 (URSS-IMIM) has completed the recruit- ment of the Universal (University and Mental Health) study with over 2500 first-year university students who will be monitored yearly during their grade training to appraise their mental health condition and suicide risk. The ten-year follow-up monitoring of the ‘Spanish Multi-centre Study of Localised Pros- tate Cancer’ cohort was also completed. This was the only Spanish research group chosen by the Mo- vember Foundation [ grams/ prostate-cancer] (“Global Prostate Cancer Outcomes” project).
Researchers from group 47 (CiSAL-UPF), along with researchers from the Medicine Faculty of Universi- dade de Minas Gerais (Brazil) organised an Encoun- ter on 9th and 10th July 2015 on Work and Health Condition Surveys (ECTS), in which researchers from Chile, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Puerto Rico, United States and Ireland took part, with the aim of improving ECTS proce- dures and instruments for increasing the quality of data collected in Latin America and the Caribbean.
In the framework of the Essencial project, an ini- tiative which draws up recommendations to pre- vent low-value clinical practices, led by Grupo 15 (AQuAS), 45 recommendations were published in cooperation with the Scientific Associations of the Acadèmia de Ciències Mèdiques i de la Salut de Catalunya i Balears (http://essencialsalut.gencat. cat/ca/). At present 22 of these recommendations are being implemented in a pilot study with 75 pri- mary care teams. The professionals taking part con- sider that clinical practices of little value are com- mon in primary care. The doctors consider that the best ways of reducing these are to increase visiting time with patients, ensure the organisation’s sup- port in respect of patients’ complaints and integrate a system of clinical information.
CIBERESP I Annual report 2015 I 23