Page 22 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Scientific Programmes
P5. Epidemiology and Prevention in connection with Environmental and Occupational Health
In the field of lung cancer, as part of the CAPUA study, and in cooperation with the SYNERGY Pro- ject of the IARC, we have created a job-exposure matrix (SYN-JEM) for developing variables of oc- cupational exposure to evaluate the exposure-work relationships in lung cancer and to estimate the interactions between occupational carcinogens.
Our research activity has contributed to the accredi- tation by the ISCIII of the Instituto de Investiga- ción Biosanitaria (ibs.GRANADA).
In 2015 the 10-11 year visit of the INMA project started in Valencia. This visit consists of three dif- ferent parts structured in three multi-centre projects
(Scand J Work Environ Health, 2015). The CAPUA study at ILCCO also forms part of the international “Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP)”, which includes genome-wide association, sequenc- ing, molecular diagnosis, genotype and treatment. ( study.cgi?study_id=phs000336.v1.p1).
The CIBERESP’s INMA sub-programme has pub- lished 108 original articles (78% in the first quartile), which include 28 in the respiratory field, 28 in neu- ropsychology, 13 in prenatal growth and 6 in obesity. Based on exposure, 19 deal with air contamination, 13 are on emerging pollutants, 7 on persistent pol- lutants and 7 on metals. Many of the original articles are written in cooperation with other cohorts and included in projects such as CHICOS and the EGG and EAGLE genetic studies. In the scientific field, the main discoveries of the INMA Project refer to the role of environmental agents (that is DDE, BPA, phthalates) in obesity (EHP 2015) and asthma (JACI 2015); and the epigenetic markers of xenoestrogens in the early years of life.
The INMA-Granada cohort is carrying out the study of exposure to persistent and non-persistent envi- ronmental compounds-endocrine disruptors, and their influence on urogenital malformations at birth, the thyroid function and neurodevelopment during the first years of life. An exposure biomarker has been developed combined with compounds with an- tiandrogenic action (TEXB-AA), used in the study of male reproduction, studying molecular, genetic and epigenetic studies, potential mediators between ex- posure and effect. The 12th National Conference on Endocrine Disruptors was organised in Cartagena, with 350 professionals. We contributed to the EU report on exposure to bisphenol-A in the hospital medium.
coordinated for the evaluation of: exposure to ul- tra-fine particles and their relationship with respira- tory health; cognitive capacities, the valuation of the environment and anthropometric measurement and pubertal development and exposure to electromag- netic fields of the participating boys and girls.
In the INMA Asturias cohort, the 7-year follow-up has been completed with a follow-up rate of 93.55%, the highest in the INMA Project. An agreement was signed with Asturias Regional Health Ministry to take part in the Air Quality Plan in Gijón. We par- ticipated in drafting the clinical guidelines entitled “Recommendations on nutrition with iodine in the pre-conception stage, pregnancy and breast-feed- ing. A technical report”. We made it known for the first time that exposure to PBDEs may affect foetal growth in the second trimester of pregnancy and re- duce the child’s size at birth (Environ Sci Technol. 2015).
22 I Annual report 2015 I CIBERESP