Page 51 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
CAIN LE, SAAG MS, PETERSEN M, MAY MT, INGLE SM, LOGAN R ET AL. Using observational data to emulate a randomized trial of dynamic treatment-switching strategies: an appli- cation to antiretroviral therapy.International journal of ep- idemiology. 2015.
CAMPBELL C.N.J., AMBROSIONI J., MIRO J.M., ESTEVE A., CASABONA J., NAVARRO G. ET AL. The continuum of HIV care in Catalonia. AIDS Care - Psychological and So- cio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV. 2015;27(12):1449-1454.
GONZáLEZ V, FERNáNDEZ G, DOPICO E, MARGALL N, ESPER- ALBA J, MUñOZ C ET AL. Evaluation of the VITROS Syphi- lis TPA chemiluminescence immunoassay as a first-line
As part of the European project EURO HIV Edat, CEE- ISCAT organized the 2nd Steering Committee Meet- ing. The meeting took place on 27th of November in Berlin and was attended by all committee members and representatives of the advisory committee. Also in Berlin, on 26th of November CEEISCAT members also participated in an expert group to discuss the development of a toolkit to be used in the implemen- tation and evaluation of MSM Checkpoints.
In 2015 we published, in collaboration with the Na- tional School of Public Health of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, the report “Cost and effectiveness of HIV testing for men Who Have sex with men in community-based Organizations. Results from six European cities“. In the reported we evaluated the cost-effectiveness of providing HIV tests in six com- munity centers of six European cities (Athens, Co- penhagen, Lisbon, Ljubljana, Lyon and Paris).
method for reverse syphilis screening.Journal of clinical microbiology. 2015.
LAZAR C., SANCLEMENTE C., FERRER L., FOLCH C., CASABONA J.. Condom use among female sex workers in catalonia: Why do they use a condom, why don’t they use it?. AIDS Education and Prevention. 2015;27(2):180-193.
JORDANA-LLUCH E., GIMéNEZ M., DOLORES QUESADA M., RI- VAYA B., MARCO C., Jesús Dominguez M. et al. Evaluation of the broad-range PCR/ESI-MS technology in blood spec- imens for the molecular diagnosis of bloodstream Infec- tions. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(10).
Within the DAPET Program, coordinated by Group 27, CEEISCAT coordinated two round table discus- sions as part of the “XXXIII Reunión Científica de la SEE y X Congreso da APE”, that took place in San- tiago de Compostela from 2 to 4 September 2015, attended by international researchers.
The Microbiology Department of HUGTiP is con- ducting a (GILEAD Fellowship Program) competi- tive project to improve early diagnosis of infection acquired through sexual transmission in vulnerable populations in a community-based center (Stop Sida NGO) using alternative techniques for screen- ing and confirmation of HCV (detection of RNA in dried blood). They have also established collabo- rative partnerships with diagnostics companies (Abbott GmbH & Co. KG and Amplex Diagnostics GmbH) and other groups CIBERESP, CIBEREHD and CIBER-BBN.
Institution: Fundació Institut d’Investigació Germans Trias i Pujol
Contact: C. de Estudios Epidemiológicos sobre las Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual y Sida de Cataluña Ctra. de Can Ruti. Cami de les escoles s/n. 08916 Badalona · Tel.: 93 497 88 91
E.mail: [email protected] · Website:
CIBERESP I Annual report 2015 I 51