Page 53 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
CASTILLA J., GUEVARA M., MARTíNEZ-BAZ I., EZPELETA C., DELFRADE J., IRISARRI F. ET AL. Enhanced estimates of the influenza vaccination effect in preventing mortali- ty a prospective cohort study. Medicine (United States). 2015;94(30).
RONDY M., LAUNAY O., PUIG-BARBERA J., GEFENAITE G., CASTILLA J., DE GAETANO DONATI K. ET AL. 2012/13 influ- enza vaccine effectiveness against hospitalised influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2) and B: estimates from a Euro- pean network of hospitals. Eurosurveillance. 2015;20(2).
ETXEBERRIA J., SAN ROMAN E., BURGUI R., GUEVARA M., MORENO-IRIBAS C., URBINA M.J. ET AL. Brain and central nervous system cancer incidence in Navarre (Spain),
During 2015 we have contributed notably to the CI- BERESP activity. We have improved in three projects funded by FIS and three projects with European funds, and we have added the admission of other four new projects.
In chronic diseases we have started projects on the effects of bisfenol in the incidence of cancer, and on the effect of inflammation in the incidence of dia- betes and Crohn disease (Inflames), both projects are based on the EPIC cohort. We have received a new FIS project to evaluate the effect of chrono-diet on the incidence of cancer in the same EPIC cohort study.
In infectious and vaccine preventable diseases we have started the participation in the I-MOVE-plus study, which is funded by the Horizon 2020 pro- gram. This study aims to evaluate the effective- ness and impact of pneumococcal and influenza vaccines on elderly people. This study adds to a previous FIS project, which evaluates the influenza vaccine effectiveness against laboratory confirmed
1973-2008 and projections for 2014. Journal of Cancer. 2015;6(2):177-183.
VISSER O., ARDANAZ E., BOTTA L., SANT M., TAVILLA A., MIN- ICOZZI P.. Survival of adults with primary malignant brain tumours in Europe; Results of the EUROCARE-5 study. Eu- ropean Journal of Cancer. 2015;51(15):2231-2241.
LóPEZ-ALCALDE J, MATEOS-MAZóN M, GUEVARA M, CON- TERNO LO, SOLà I, CABIR NUNES S ET AL. Gloves, gowns and masks for reducing the transmission of meticillin-re- sistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the hospital setting.The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2015;7:CD007087.
influenza since 2009. We have also started our participation in multicenter studies funded by the ECDC, which aim to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of pneumococcal vaccine (SpIDNet), influ- enza vaccine (I-move) and Pertussis vaccine (Per- tinent). We have demonstrated high indirect effect of conjugate pneumococcal vaccination in children and its important impact on unvaccinated popula- tion. We have also demonstrated high impact of the influenza vaccine in preventing deaths, and we have detected interferences between the splits-virion and subunit influenza vaccines.
In 2015 we apply and were selected to be funded by the National Strategic Plan of Hepatitis C with the aim of evaluating the effect on preventive and thera- peutic interventions against this infection.
Two researches of our team defended their PhD the- sis and received the highest qualifications.
Institution: Instituto de Salud Pública de Navarra · Contact: C/ Leyre, 15. 31003 Pamplona · Tel.: 848 421 477 E.mail: [email protected] · Web:
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