Page 52 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Research groups
Group 11
Programme: Epidemiology and Control of Chronic Diseases Lead Researcher: Castilla Catalán, Jesús
Group Members
STAFF MEMBERS: Burgui Pérez, Rosana | Delfrade Osinaga, Iosu | Etxeberria Andueza, Jaione.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Ardanaz Aicua, Eva | Arriazu Berastegui, María Teresa | Ascunce Elizaga, Nieves | Barricarte Gurrea, Aurelio | Casado Buesa, Marina Itziar | Echauri Ozcoidi, Marga | Ederra Sanz, María | Elizalde Soto, Lazaro | Erdozain Eguaras, Nieves | Floristan Floristan, María del Yugo | García Cenoz, Manuel | Guevara Eslava, Marcela del Pilar | Irisarri Zamarbide, Fátima | Marín Palacios, Pilar | Martínez Baz, Iván | Pérez Jarauta, María José | Vidan Alli, Juana.
Main lines of research
• Epidemiology of chronic diseases, by participa- tion in multicenter cohort studies and in popula- tion-based registers of cancer and acute myo- cardial infarction.
Cohort EPIC and associated projects EPIC-Heart, InterAct and Neuro-EPIC.
Relationship among false-positive, true positive and adherence to the screening programmes.
Mammographic breast density in Spanish women coming to breast cancer screening programmes (DDM-Spain) and association with reproductive & lifestyle factors & genetic determinants (Var- DDM).
Epidemiological research on infectious diseas- es and evaluation of the effectiveness and im- pact of the vaccines.
Effectiveness and impact of vaccines: influen- za, pneumococcal, varicella, rotavirus, mumps, whooping cough, meningogocal, etc.
Investigation of infectious diseases outbreaks.
Evaluation of preventive interventions against HIV, tuberculosis, etc.
Evaluation of the National Stretegic Program against Hepatitis C infection.
Multicase-Control Study MCC-Spain.
Spanish Network of Population-based Cancer Registries REDECAN.
Cardiovascular diseases and participation in the study FRESCO.
Analysis of mortality, trends and analysis of soci- oeconomic inequalities (MEDEA).
Studies on lifestyles and health.
Rare Diseases Registry.
• Evaluation of screening programmes.
Impact of breast cancer screening programmes.
Analysis of the probability of false-positive results in screening mammography.
52 I Annual report 2015 I CIBERESP