Page 59 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
PAPANTONIOU K., CASTANO-VINYALS G., ESPINOSA A., ARAG- ONES N., PéREZ-GóMEZ B., BURGOS J. ET AL. Night shift work, chronotype and prostate cancer risk in the MCC- Spain case-control study. International Journal of Cancer. 2015.
GóMEZ-ACEBO I., DIERSSEN-SOTOS T., PAPANTONIOU K., GARCíA-UNZUETA M.T., SANTOS-BENITO M.F., LLORCA J.. As- sociation between exposure to rotating night shift versus day shift using levels of 6-sulfatoxymelatonin and cortisol and other sex hormones in women. Chronobiology Inter- national. 2015;32(1):128-135.
DE PEDRO M., BAEZA S., ESCUDERO M.-T., DIERSSEN-SOTOS T., GóMEZ-ACEBO I., POLLAN M. ET AL. Effect of COX-2 inhibi- tors and other non-steroidal inflammatory drugs on breast
Our group participates in three main projects: MCC- Spain, PREDIMED-DM and UNIHCOS.
MCC-Spain is a multicentre case-control study that has recruited about 10,000 patients among con- trols and cases of several types of cancer (breast, colorectal, gastric, and prostate cancers, and chron- ic lymphocytic leukemia). Inside MCC-Spain, this group has carried out the project “Genetic variants and pathways related with breast and prostate cancer, and their interaction with exposure to en- dogenous and exogenous sexual hormones: MCC- Spain study” (PI: Javier Llorca), which is funded by ISCIII (PI12/00715) and is going to carry out the project “Integration of genetic big data and clinical information: survivorship with breast cancer in the MCC-Spain Project” (PI: Javier Llorca, also funded by ISCIII; PI15/00069). The group is member of the PRACTICAL consortium (Prostate Cancer Associa- tion Group to Investigate Cancer Associated Altera- tions in the Genome), which is being funding by NIH and European Union FP7.
cancer risk: a meta-analysis. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2015;149(2):525-536.
PAPANTONIOU K., CASTANO-VINYALS G., ESPINOSA A., ARAG- ONES N., PéREZ-GóMEZ B., ARDANAZ E. ET AL. Breast can- cer risk and night shift work in a case–control study in a Spanish population. European Journal of Epidemiology. 2015.
CASTANEDA S., MARTíN-MARTíNEZ M.A., GONZáLEZ-JUA- NATEY C., LLORCA J., GARCíA-YEBENES M.J., PéREZ-VICENTE S. ET AL. Cardiovascular morbidity and associated risk factors in Spanish patients with chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases attending rheumatology clinics: Base- line data of the CARMA Project. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism. 2015;44(6):618-626.
PREDIMED-DM is a multicentre controlled clinical trial on the effect of Mediterranean diet on diabetes mellitus-II incidence, which is also being funded by ISCIII (PI: Miguel Delgado).
UNIHCOS is a multicentre cohort study on addic- tions in university students, funded by the National Plan against Drug.
The group collaborates with groups from CIBER of obesity and nutrition (CIBEROBN), especially in the SUN and PREDIMED projects, and with groups from “Red de investigación en inflamación y enferme- dades reumáticas” (RIER) on clinical epidemiology of rheumatic diseases.
Five doctoral theses have been defended in 2015 on breast cancer, subclinical atherosclerosis in rheu- matoid arthritis, psoriatic arthropathy, patient satis- faction after being attended in ICUs, and prognostic factors in bronchiolitis.
Institution: Universidad de Jaén
Contact: Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Edificio B-3, Campus Las Lagunillas, s/n. 23071 Jaén.
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