Page 61 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
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Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
DOMINGUEZ A., GODOY P., TOLEDO D., SOLDEVILA N., GARCíA-CENOZ M., FARRUS G. ET AL. Importance of en- hanced surveillance for prevention of pertussis in children. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 2015;34(7):729-733.
ANTON-LADISLAO A., GARCíA-GUTIERREZ S., SOLDEVILA N., GONZáLEZ-CANDELAS F., GODOY P., CASTILLA J. ET AL. Visu- alizing knowledge and attitude factors related to influenza vaccination of physicians. Vaccine. 2015;33(7):885-891.
CRESPO I., TOLEDO D., SOLDEVILA N., JORDAN I., SOLANO R., CASTILLA J. ET AL. Characteristics of hospitalized cases
Participation in the publication of the Guidelines of the Real Academy of Catalonia on Vaccines and Public Health. Available at: and from the different scientific societies.
Participation in a press conferences and media in- terviews to explain the importance of vaccination for the health of the population in response to a case of diphtheria that occurred in Girona on the 18th June.
Participation as member and Secretary of the Sci- entific Advisory Committee on Ebola in Catalonia. On 28th January, participation in a scientific work- shop on Ebola. Participation in the drawing up of surveillance protocols for Ebola in Catalonia.
Coordination of and participation in the Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Hepatitis C, pub- lished by the Generalitat of Catalonia.
Participation in the Review of the Pertussis Vacci- nation Program in Spain, published by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.
of pertussis in Catalonia and Navarra, two regions in the North of Spain. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(10).
GODOY P., FERRRUS G., TORNER N., CAMPS N., SALA M.R., GUIX S. ET AL. High incidence of norovirus GII.4 outbreaks in hospitals and nursing homes in Catalonia (Spain), 2010- 2011. Epidemiology and Infection. 2015;143(4):725-733.
TORNER N., SOLDEVILA N., GARCíA J.J., LAUNES C., GODOY P., CASTILLA J. ET AL. Effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical measures in preventing pediatric influenza: A case-control study. BMC Public Health. 2015;15(1).
Collaboration in the creation of the online glossary, Vaccine Terminology, available at: Linia/209/Presentacio/
On 23rd November, a scientific workshop was held entitled “Gastroenteritis outbreaks due to Norovirus: an emerging health problem”, with 136 attendees, various speakers from CIBERESP, and the partici- pation of Prof Marion Koopmans, an international expert from the Erasmus Medical Centre, University of Rotterdam.
Participation in international meetings of the Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board, a platform for the draw- ing up and diffusion of scientific information related to the prevention of viral hepatitis.
Supervision of the third year of the project “Effec- tiveness of the influenza and 23-valent polysaccha- ride pneumococcal vaccines in subjects aged =65 years” (FIS PI12/02079). Three articles have now been published in Q1 and Q2 journals.
Institution: Universitat de Barcelona · Contact: Facultad de Medicina. C/ Casanova 143, 3o planta 08036 Barcelona · Tel.: 93 402 45 66 · E.mail: [email protected]
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