Page 60 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
P. 60
Research groups
Group 1
Programme: Prevention, Monitoring and Control of Communicable Diseases Lead Researcher: Domínguez García, Ángela
Group Members
STAFF MEMBERS: Crespo Fernández, Inmaculada | Soldevila Pidemunt, Nuria
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Borrás López, Eva | Cardeñosa Marín, Nieves | Godoy García, Pere | Jansá Vallado, Josep Maria | Martínez Mateo, Ana | Muñoz García, Pilar | Plans Rubio, Pedro | Salleras Sanmartí, Luis | Torner Gracia, Nuria.
Main lines of research
• Preventable diseases of viral etiology (measles, mumps and rubella) or bacterial etiology (pertus- sis, pneumococcal disease, meningococcal dis- ease).
• Epidemic outbreaks of communicable diseases.
• Influenza.
• Viral hepatitis.
• Effectiveness and efficiency of vaccination pro- grams.
60 I Annual report 2015 I CIBERESP