Page 62 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
P. 62
Research groups
Group 28
Programme: Epidemiology and Control of Chronic Diseases Lead Researcher: Dorronsoro Iraeta, Miren
Group Members
STAFF MEMBERS: Echezarreta Olariaga, Nerea.
ASSOCIATED MEMBERS: Aldasoro Unamuno, Elena | Altzibar Arotzena, Jone Miren | Amiano Etxezarreta, Pilar | Arriola Larrarte, Larraitz | Basterrechea Irurzun, Mikel | Goñi Irigoyen, J. Fernando | Ibarluzea Maurolagoi- tia, Jesús | Larrañaga Larrañaga, Nerea | Santa Marina Rodríguez, Loreto.
Main lines of research
The group participates in research projects in col- laboration with national and international groups in the disciplines of epidemiology, prevention and con- trol of diseases mainly on two lines:
1. Epidemiology and control of chronic diseases
2. Epidemiology and prevention of diseases caused by environmental exposures during childhood.
We participate in MCC-Spain and INMA, national collaborative projects that have been strategic pro- jects.
EPIC-cancer, EPIC-Heart, INTERACT, ESCAPE, HELIX and MEDALL are international projects in which we participate together with other groups CIBER
In the area of environmental exposures we also co- operate with the European project Geronimo (Gen- eralised EMF using Novel Research Methods - an integrated approach: from research to support risk assessment and risk management to) and Rem- brandt (Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields ex- posure and Brain Development: from exposure as- sessment to dose-response assessment).
The group also participates in two European pro- jects about the effectiveness of the flu vaccine. In cycEVA (IMOVE) study, from the 2008-2009 season and from the current season in the IMOVE + Hori- zon 2020 a hospital-based case control study to measure seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness against laboratory confirmed influenza hospitaliza- tions across the European Union and European Eco- nomic Area Members States. In the project they are involved 23 European hospitals.
As far as responsible of the Basque Country Reg- istry of Congenital Anomalies we are full members of EUROCAT. EUROCAT is a project of the EU- Pro- gramme of the Directorate General of Public Health Community Action on Rare Diseases. It was con- ceived to function as a service for the surveillance of congenital anomalies in Europe. Funded both by Member States and EU .Aiming to assess the fea- sibility of pooling data across national boundaries, cluster detection and evaluation well as identifica- tion of primary prevention initiatives.
62 I Annual report 2015 I CIBERESP