Page 63 - CIBERESP-2015-eng
P. 63
Most relevant scientific articles
Research groups
KHOSHNOOD B., LOANE M., DE WALLE H., ARRIOLA L., ADDOR M.-C., BARISIC I. ET AL. Long term trends in prevalence of neural tube defects in Europe: Population based study. BMJ (Online). 2015;351.
LERTXUNDI A., BACCINI M., LERTXUNDI N., FANO E., ARANBARRI A., MARTíNEZ M.D. ET AL. Exposure to fine particle matter, ni- trogen dioxide and benzene during pregnancy and cognitive and psychomotor developments in children at 15months of age. Environment International. 2015;80:33-40.
ALTZIBAR J.M., ZIGORRAGA C., RODRíGUEZ R., LETURIA N., GARMENDIA A., RODRíGUEZ A. ET AL. Outbreak of acute gastroenteritis caused by contamination of drinking wa- ter in a factory, the Basque Country. Journal of Water and Health. 2015;13(1):168-173.
ORIBE M., LERTXUNDI A., BASTERRECHEA M., BEGIRISTAIN H., SANTA MARINA L., VILLAR M. ET AL. Prevalence of factors associated with the duration of exclusive breastfeeding during the first 6 months of life in the INMA birth cohort in
UGARTE M.D., ADIN A., GOICOA T., CASADO I., ARDANAZ E., LARRANAGA N.. Temporal evolution of brain cancer inci- dence in the municipalities of Navarre and the Basque Country, Spain. BMC Public Health. 2015;15(1).
Cancer surveillance is made through the Basque Cancer Registry (BCR). The registry is member of the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR) and the International Association of Cancer Regis- tries (IACR) and is involved in the activities coordi- nated by the IARCR. The BCR also belongs to the Spanish Network of Cancer Registries (REDECAN), founded in 2010.
The BCR has participated in international projects: Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (IARC), The CONCORD (Global surveillance of cancer survival) is a program that includes epidemiological research, teaching and overall monitoring of cancer survival, The EUROCARE (POPULATION -based CANCER SURVIVAL IN EUROPE).
Gipuzkoa. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2015;29(1):4-9.
EPIC related:
• PI14/00556: Effect of exposure to Bisphenol-A on human health (cancer and ischaemic coronary heart disease) in the European Prospective Inves- tigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC-Spain) study.
• PI 13/00020. Plasma concentrations of organo- chlorine compounds, lifestyle factors, and pan- creatic cancer risk within the EPIC cohort.
• PIE13/00048 Blood-based cancer detection: Development of an economical, sensitive and rapid paper-based device to detect cell free nu- cleic acids.
• PI15/01752 “Chronodiet, circadian clock genes polymorphisms, weight change, and obesity in the EPIC-Spain study”.
Report: Characterization of exposure to radiofre- quency electromagnetic fields in kindergarten and primary schools of Gipuzkoa.
San Sebastian November 10, 2015.
Institution: Asociación Instituto Biodonostia · Contact: Hospital Donostia. Paseo Dr. Beguiristain, s/n 20014 San Sebastián · Tel.: 945 019 201 · E.mail: [email protected]
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